Neutral Beam and Halo

Beam Grid

The neutrals densities calculated by FIDASIM are stored in a 3D grid. FIDASIM requires that the grid be axis-aligned to easily track particles through the grid. However, it is extremely useful to be able to align the grid along the beam centerline. To facilitate this FIDASIM allows the user to define arbitrary Cartesian coordinate system (beam grid coordinates) that all calculations are done in.

FIDASIM uses Tait-Bryan rotation angles (alpha,beta,gamma) to define a intrinsic rotation matrix, , that is used to transform from beam grid coordinates(xyz) to machine coordinates(uvw) If the rotation angles and origin are set to zero then the rotation matrix is the Identity matrix and the coordinate system is identical to machine coordinates (Standard Cartesian).

Understanding these variables can be difficult and can best be described by an example.

  1. With your right hand point your index finger pointing in the +x direction with your middle finger and thumb pointing in the +y and +z direction respectively.
  2. Rotate about your thumb (z-axis) by alpha (ccw = +angle, cw = -angle)
  3. Rotate about your middle finger (y'-axis) by beta
  4. Rotate about your index finger (x"-axis) by gamma
  5. Move your right hand to the origin
  6. Define (x|y|z)_(min|max) by this coordinate system with your index finger being the new +x-axis

The beam grid is defined in the namelist file ([runid]_inputs.dat) and are defined as follows

Variable Type Rank Dimensions Units Description
nx Int16 0 NA NA Number of cells in the X direction
ny Int16 0 NA NA Number of cells in the Y direction
nz Int16 0 NA NA Number of cells in the Z direction
xmin Float64 0 NA cm Minimum X value in beam grid coordinates
xmax Float64 0 NA cm Maximum X value in beam grid coordinates
ymin Float64 0 NA cm Minimum Y value in beam grid coordinates
ymax Float64 0 NA cm Maximum Y value in beam grid coordinates
zmin Float64 0 NA cm Minimum Z value in beam grid coordinates
zmax Float64 0 NA cm Maximum Z value in beam grid coordinates
alpha Float64 0 NA rad Tait-Bryan rotation angle about z-axis
beta Float64 0 NA rad Tait-Bryan rotation angle about y'-axis
gamma Float64 0 NA rad Tait-Bryan rotation angle about x"-axis
origin Float64 1 [3] cm Beam grid origin in Machine Coordinates

Neutral Beam Geometry

A neutral beam is defined by a source position and an axis such that a position along the beam centerline is defined as where is the position along the centerline parameterized by , is the source position in machine coordinates, and is the axis.

The ion source is defined by its shape (circular or rectangular), size (half width and height), focal length (vertical and horizontal), and divergence (energy dependent). The neutral beam is simulated by firing particles from random positions on the source plate. The trajectory of the particles is determined by the following equations (+x into the plasma) where and are random positions on the source plate in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively, are the focal lengths, and are the divergences. Examples of different trajectories are shown below.

Not shown above are the beam aperture(s) which collimates the neutral beam. Apertures are represented in FIDASIM by their shape (circular or rectangular), size (half width and height), offsets relative to the +x aligned beam centerline, and their distance from the source grid. It is assumed that the plane of the aperture(s) is parallel to the plane of the source grid. The routine can be used to easily generate the NBI geometry from the TRANSP/NUBEAM beam definition.

FIDASIM reads in the neutral beam geometry from a HDF5 file ([runid]_geometry.h5) that has the group nbi with the following datasets

Variable Type Rank Dimensions Units Description
name String 0 NA NA Name of the neutral beam
shape Int16 0 NA NA Shape of the beam source grid (1=rect or 2=circ)
data_source String 0 NA NA Source of the neutral beam geometry
src Float64 1 [3] cm Position of the source grid in machine coordinates
axis Float64 1 [3] NA Direction of the beam center line
widy Float64 0 NA cm Source grid half-width in the horizontal direction
widz Float64 0 NA cm Source grid half-height in the vertical direction
divy Float64 1 [3] rad Horizontal beam divergence
divz Float64 1 [3] rad Vertical beam divergence
focy Float64 0 NA cm Horizontal focal length
focz Float64 0 NA cm Vertical focal length
naperture Int16 0 NA NA Number of apertures
ashape Int16 1 [naperture] NA Shape of the aperture(s) (1=rect or 2=circ)
awidy Float64 1 [naperture] cm Half-width of the aperture(s)
awidz Float64 1 [naperture] cm Half-height of the aperture(s)
aoffy Float64 1 [naperture] cm Horizontal (y) offset of the aperture(s) relative to the +x aligned beam centerline
aoffz Float64 1 [naperture] cm Vertical (z) offset of the aperture(s) relative to the +x aligned beam centerline
adist Float64 1 [naperture] cm Distance from the center of the beam source grid to the aperture(s) plane

Neutral Beam Density

Neutral Hydrogen beams usually contain atoms with different energies: (Full), (Half), (Third). This splitting of energy is due to multiple atomic and molecular species being accelerated to the same kinetic energy, . Each beam species will attenuate differently into the plasma and need to be treated separetely. It is assumed that each neutral is in the ground state with initial flux given by where is current fraction for the energy component and is the total flux of neutrals given by where is the beam power.

Within each beam grid cell along the neutral trajectory the flux is modified using the collisional radiative model and the neutral density is calculated. The figure below illustrates the different beam attenuation profiles.

DCX and Halo Density

A secondary source of neutrals come from the charge exchange reaction between beam neutrals and thermal ions (DCX). After neutralization, the newly created thermal neutrals travel ballistically and charge exchange with other thermal ions creating more neutrals (Halo). This process is then repeated multiple times in a recursive fashion producing fewer and fewer neutrals. The effect of this process is a Halo of neutrals surrounding the neutral beam.

FIDASIM uses the following scheme to calculate the DCX+Halo contribution.

After a few iterations the halo density converges and the calculation ends.

Relevent Namelist Settings

  • ab: Beam/Fast-ion mass [amu]
  • pinj: Beam power [MW]
  • einj: Beam Energy [keV]
  • current_fractions: Current fractions
  • load_neutrals: Load neutrals from file
  • neutrals_file: Optional neutrals file
  • n_nbi: Number of NBI MC particles
  • n_halo: Number of HALO MC particles
  • n_dcx: Number of DCX MC particles
  • calc_birth: Calculate birth profile (density & birth position and velocity)
  • n_birth: Number of birth particles outputed

Fortran References

  • xyz_to_uvw: Transforms a point from beam grid coordinates to machine coordinates
  • uvw_to_xyz: Transforms a point from machine coordinates to beam grid coordinates
  • mc_nbi: Generates beam neutral trajectory
  • ndmc: Calculates neutral beam density
  • dcx: Calculates DCX contribution
  • halo: Calculates Halo contribution
  • write_neutrals: Writes neutrals to file