The HDF5 installation provides several useful tools for inspecting HDF5 files.
lstagner@computer:~/TEST$ h5ls test_geometry.h5
nbi Group
npa Group
spec Group
lstagner@computer:~/TEST$ h5ls test_geometry.h5/nbi
adist Dataset {1}
aoffy Dataset {1}
aoffz Dataset {1}
ashape Dataset {1}
awidy Dataset {1}
awidz Dataset {1}
axis Dataset {3}
data_source Dataset {SCALAR}
divy Dataset {3}
divz Dataset {3}
focy Dataset {SCALAR}
focz Dataset {SCALAR}
name Dataset {SCALAR}
naperture Dataset {SCALAR}
shape Dataset {SCALAR}
src Dataset {3}
widy Dataset {SCALAR}
widz Dataset {SCALAR}
lstagner@computer:~/TEST$ h5ls -v test_geometry.h5/nbi/src
Opened "test_geometry.h5" with sec2 driver.
src Dataset {3/3}
Attribute: description scalar
Type: 47-byte null-terminated ASCII string
Data: "Position of the center of the beam source grid"
Attribute: units scalar
Type: 3-byte null-terminated ASCII string
Data: "cm"
Location: 1:5024
Links: 1
Chunks: {3} 24 bytes
Storage: 24 logical bytes, 20 allocated bytes, 120.00% utilization
Filter-0: shuffle-2 OPT {8}
Filter-1: deflate-1 OPT {9}
Type: native double
lstagner@computer:~/TEST$ h5ls -d test_geometry.h5/nbi/src
src Dataset {3}
(0) 0, -532, 0
The IDL routine is provided to read any HDF5 file.
IDL> f = read_hdf5("./test_geometry.h5")
IDL> help,f
** Structure <284b698>, 4 tags, length=2224, data length=2194, refs=1:
NBI STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
NPA STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
SPEC STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
DESCRIPTION STRING 'Geometric quantities for FIDASIM'
IDL> help,f.nbi
** Structure <27fb4d8>, 20 tags, length=752, data length=734, refs=2:
ADIST STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
AOFFY STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
AOFFZ STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
ASHAPE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
AWIDY STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
AWIDZ STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
AXIS STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
DATA_SOURCE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
DIVY STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
DIVZ STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
FOCY STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
FOCZ STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
NAME STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
NAPERTURE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
SHAPE STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
SRC STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
WIDY STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
WIDZ STRUCT -> <Anonymous> Array[1]
DESCRIPTION STRING 'Neutral Beam Geometry'
STRING 'Right-handed cartesian'
IDL> help,f.nbi.src
** Structure <27f5908>, 3 tags, length=56, data length=56, refs=2:
DESCRIPTION STRING 'Position of the center of the beam source grid'
The h5py library can be used to read and write HDF5 files.
>>> import h5py as h5
>>> f = h5.File("./test_geometry.h5")
>>> [k for k in f.keys()]
['nbi', 'npa', 'spec']
>>> [k for k in f['nbi'].keys()]
>>> f["/nbi/src"].value
array([ 0., -532., 0.])
The HDF5.jl library can be used to read and write HDF5 files.
julia> using HDF5
julia> f = h5open("test_geometry.h5")
HDF5 data file: test_geometry.h5
julia> names(f)
3-element Array{ByteString,1}:
julia> names(f["/nbi"])
11-element Array{ByteString,1}:
julia> read(f["/nbi/src"])
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> h5read("test_geometry.h5","/nbi/src")
3-element Array{Float64,1}: