Running FIDASIM is as easy as running

lstagner@computer:~/FIDASIM$ ./fidasim 
   ____ ____ ___   ___    ____ ____ __  ___
  / __//  _// _ \ / _ |  / __//  _//  |/  /
 / _/ _/ / / // // __ | _\ \ _/ / / /|_/ / 
/_/  /___//____//_/ |_|/___//___//_/  /_/  

Version: 1.0.0

FIDASIM is released as open source code under the MIT Licence.
For more information visit

usage: ./fidasim namelist_file [num_threads]

Actually having FIDASIM produce something takes a bit of thought

The following settings will give a reasonable runtime.

  • 32 threads on a shared memory node (All calculations are done on a single node)
  • At least 2 GB of memory

Running Interactively

[lstagner@dawson061]% ./fidasim /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_inputs.dat 16
   ____ ____ ___   ___    ____ ____ __  ___
  / __//  _// _ \ / _ |  / __//  _//  |/  /
 / _/ _/ / / // // __ | _\ \ _/ / / /|_/ / 
/_/  /___//____//_/ |_|/___//___//_/  /_/  

Version: 1.0.0

FIDASIM is released as open source code under the MIT Licence.
For more information visit

---- Shot settings ----
 Shot:        1
 Time: 1000 [ms]
 Runid: test_1a

---- Input files ----
 Tables file: /u/lstagner/FIDASIM/tables/atomic_tables.h5
 Geometry file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_geometry.h5
 Equilibrium file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_equilibrium.h5
 Distribution file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_distribution.h5

---- OpenMP settings ----
 Number of threads: 16

---- Beam grid settings ----
 Nx:  50
 Ny:  60
 Nz:  70
 dV:  8.00 [cm^3]
 alpha:  0.00 [rad]
 beta:   0.00 [rad]
 gamma:  0.00 [rad]
 origin: [   0.00,   0.00,   0.00] [cm]

---- Interpolation grid settings ----
 Nr:  70
 Nz: 100
 dA: 4.10 [cm^2]

---- Neutral beam settings ----
 Beam: test_beam               
 Power:    1.70 [MW]
 Voltage: 72.50 [keV]

---- Atomic tables settings ----
 Maximum n/m:  6
 Beam/Fast-ion mass:  2.014 [amu]
 Thermal/Bulk-ion mass:  2.014 [amu]
 Impurity mass: 12.011 [amu]

---- Fast-ion distribution settings ----
 Distribution type: Fast-ion Density Function F(energy,pitch,R,Z)
 Nenergy =   6
 Npitch  =   6
 Energy range = [67.33, 75.44]
 Pitch  range = [-0.10, 0.10]

---- FIDA/BES settings ----
 Number of channels:   3

---- NPA settings ----
 NPA System: NPA
 Number of channels:   3
 Calculating hit probabilities for NPA channels

ndmc:     1:43:23
     # of markers:     50000
   birth profile written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_birth.h5

dcx:      1:43:41
     # of markers:    505020
   dcx written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_dcx.h5

halo:     1:44:32
     # of markers:    505180
     # of markers:    310573
     # of markers:    188148
     # of markers:    110872
     # of markers:     62806
     # of markers:     32484
     # of markers:     13881
   neutral density written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_neutrals.h5

bremsstrahlung:     1:46:25

fida:     1:46:25
     # of markers:   5049813

   Spectra written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_spectra.h5

npa:     1:47:46
     # of markers:    505074
Number of NPA particles that hit a detector:   125638

   NPA data written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_npa.h5

fida weight function:     1:49:46
 Number of Channels:   3
 Nlambda: 1000
 Nenergy:  50
 Npitch:  50
 Ngyro: 100
 Maximum Energy:  100.00
 LOS averaged: True

   Channel:   1
   Radius:  200.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    7.97429E+11

   Channel:   2
   Radius:  170.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    7.98346E+11

   Channel:   3
   Radius:  140.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    7.98330E+11

   FIDA weights written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_fida_weights.h5

npa weight function:     1:50:02
 Number of Channels:   3
 Nenergy:  50
 Npitch:  50
 Maximum energy:  100.00

   Channel:   1
   Radius:    200.000
   Flux:      1.22243E+14
   Weight:    3.79893E+03

   Channel:   2
   Radius:    170.000
   Flux:      1.07364E+14
   Weight:    1.85565E+03

   Channel:   3
   Radius:    140.000
   Flux:      3.46488E+13
   Weight:    8.81099E+02

   NPA weights written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_npa_weights.h5

END: hour, minute, second:  1:53:07
duration:                   0:15:53

Submitting to a clusters job schedular using submit_fidasim

submit_fidasim is a python routine that schedules a FIDASIM job on a cluster. For example

lstagner@computer:~$ submit_fidasim /u/lstagner/TEST

will submit any incomplete FIDASIM runs in the /u/lstagner/TEST directory. Alternatively

lstagner@computer:~$ submit_fidasim /u/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_inputs.dat

will submit just the test_1a FIDASIM run. Slurm and PBS resource managers are supported. Run submit_fidasim -h for the full documentation.