Write Deuterium-Helium3 reaction rates to a HDF5 file
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer(kind=HID_T), | intent(inout) | :: | id | HDF5 file or group object id |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | namelist_file | Namelist file that contains settings |
subroutine write_bt_D_He3(id, namelist_file)
!+ Write Deuterium-Helium3 reaction rates to a HDF5 file
integer(HID_T), intent(inout) :: id
!+ HDF5 file or group object id
character(len=*), intent(in) :: namelist_file
!+ Namelist file that contains settings
integer :: nbranch = 1
real(Float64), dimension(2) :: bt_amu = [He3_amu, H2_amu] ! (beam, target)
logical :: calculate
real(Float64) :: emin
real(Float64) :: emax
integer :: nenergy
real(Float64) :: tmin
real(Float64) :: tmax
integer :: ntemp
real(Float64) :: eb
real(Float64) :: dlogE
real(Float64), dimension(:), allocatable :: ebarr
real(Float64) :: ti
real(Float64) :: dlogT
real(Float64), dimension(:), allocatable :: tarr
real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: fusion
integer(HID_T) :: gid
integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(1) :: dim1
integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(3) :: dim3
integer :: ie, it, error, cnt
real(Float64) :: rate
logical :: exis
NAMELIST /D_He3_rates/ calculate, nenergy, emin, emax, ntemp, tmin, tmax
nenergy = 100; emin = 1.d-3 ; emax = 4.d2
ntemp = 100; tmin = 1.d-3 ; tmax = 2.d1
calculate = .True.
if(.not.exis) then
write(*,'(a,a)') 'WRITE_BT_D_He3: Input file does not exist: ',trim(namelist_file)
write(*,'(a)') 'Continuing with default settings...'
if(.not.calculate) return
ebarr = 0.d0
tarr = 0.d0
fusion = 0.d0
dlogE = (log10(emax) - log10(emin))/(nenergy - 1)
do ie=1, nenergy
ebarr(ie) = 10.d0**(log10(emin) + (ie-1)*dlogE)
dlogT = (log10(tmax) - log10(tmin))/(ntemp - 1)
do it=1, ntemp
tarr(it) = 10.d0**(log10(tmin) + (it-1)*dlogT)
if(verbose) then
write(*,'(a)') "---- D-He3 reaction rates settings ----"
write(*,'(T2,"Emin = ",e9.2, " keV")') emin
write(*,'(T2,"Emax = ",e9.2, " keV")') emax
write(*,'(T2,"Nenergy = ", i4)') nenergy
write(*,'(T2,"Tmin = ",e9.2, " keV")') tmin
write(*,'(T2,"Tmax = ",e9.2, " keV")') tmax
write(*,'(T2,"Ntemp = ", i4)') ntemp
write(*,*) ''
cnt = 0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO private(ie, it, eb, ti, rate)
do ie=istart, nenergy, istep
eb = ebarr(ie)
do it=1, ntemp
ti = tarr(it)
call bt_maxwellian(d_he3_fusion, ti, eb, bt_amu(2), bt_amu(1), rate)
fusion(ie,it,1) = rate
cnt = cnt + 1
if(verbose) WRITE(*,'(f7.2,"%",a,$)') 100*istep*cnt/real(nenergy*ntemp),char(13)
#ifdef _MPI
call parallel_sum(fusion)
if(verbose) then
call h5gcreate_f(id, "D_He3", gid, error)
dim1 = [1]
call h5ltmake_dataset_int_f(gid, "nbranch", 0, dim1, [nbranch], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_int_f(gid, "nenergy", 0, dim1, [nenergy], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_int_f(gid, "ntemp", 0, dim1, [ntemp], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "dlogE", 0, dim1, [dlogE], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "emin", 0, dim1, [emin], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "emax", 0, dim1, [emax], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "dlogT", 0, dim1, [dlogT], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "tmin", 0, dim1, [tmin], error)
call h5ltmake_dataset_double_f(gid, "tmax", 0, dim1, [tmax], error)
dim1 = [2]
call h5ltmake_compressed_dataset_double_f(gid, "bt_amu", 1, dim1, bt_amu, error)
dim1 = [nenergy]
call h5ltmake_compressed_dataset_double_f(gid, "energy", 1, dim1, ebarr, error)
dim1 = [ntemp]
call h5ltmake_compressed_dataset_double_f(gid, "temperature", 1, dim1, tarr, error)
dim3 = [nenergy, ntemp, nbranch]
call h5ltmake_compressed_dataset_double_f(gid, "fusion", 3, dim3, fusion, error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(id, "D_He3", "description", &
"Beam-Target reaction rates for Helium3(beam)-Deuterium(target) interactions", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "nbranch", "description", &
"Number of reaction branches", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "nenergy", "description", &
"Number of energy values", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "ntemp", "description", &
"Number of target temperature values", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "energy", "description", &
"Energy values", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "energy", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "dlogE", "description", &
"Energy spacing in log-10", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "dlogE", "units", "log10(keV)", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "emin","description", &
"Minimum energy", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "emin", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "emax","description", &
"Maximum energy", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "emax", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "temperature", "description", &
"Target temperature values", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "temperature", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "dlogT", "description", &
"Temperature spacing in log-10", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "dlogT", "units", "log10(keV)", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "tmin","description", &
"Minimum temperature", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "tmin", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "tmax","description", &
"Maximum temperature", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "tmax", "units", "keV", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "bt_amu", "description", &
"Isotope mass of the beam and target species respectively", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "bt_amu", "units", "amu", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "fusion", "description", &
"Beam-Target reaction rates for D-He3 nuclear reactions: fusion(energy, temperature, branch)", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "fusion", "units", "cm^3/s", error)
call h5ltset_attribute_string_f(gid, "fusion", "reaction", &
"D + He3 -> He4(3.6 MeV) + p(14.7 MeV)", error)
call h5gclose_f(gid, error)
deallocate(ebarr, tarr, fusion)
end subroutine write_bt_D_He3