bt_maxwellian Interface

public interface bt_maxwellian

Calculates the reaction rate coefficients given beam energy eb and target temperature T where the velocity distribution of the target is a Maxwellian


interface~~bt_maxwellian~~CallsGraph interface~bt_maxwellian bt_maxwellian proc~bt_maxwellian_eb bt_maxwellian_eb interface~bt_maxwellian->proc~bt_maxwellian_eb proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n_m bt_maxwellian_q_n_m interface~bt_maxwellian->proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n_m proc~bt_maxwellian_n bt_maxwellian_n interface~bt_maxwellian->proc~bt_maxwellian_n proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n bt_maxwellian_q_n interface~bt_maxwellian->proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n proc~bt_maxwellian_n_m bt_maxwellian_n_m interface~bt_maxwellian->proc~bt_maxwellian_n_m proc~simpsons_rule simpsons_rule proc~bt_maxwellian_eb->proc~simpsons_rule proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n_m->proc~simpsons_rule proc~bt_maxwellian_n->proc~simpsons_rule proc~bt_maxwellian_q_n->proc~simpsons_rule proc~bt_maxwellian_n_m->proc~simpsons_rule

Called by

interface~~bt_maxwellian~~CalledByGraph interface~bt_maxwellian bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_d_he3 write_bt_D_He3 proc~write_bt_d_he3->interface~bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_h_aq write_bt_H_Aq proc~write_bt_h_aq->interface~bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_d_t write_bt_D_T proc~write_bt_d_t->interface~bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_h_h write_bt_H_H proc~write_bt_h_h->interface~bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_d_d write_bt_D_D proc~write_bt_d_d->interface~bt_maxwellian proc~write_bt_h_e write_bt_H_e proc~write_bt_h_e->interface~bt_maxwellian program~generate_tables generate_tables program~generate_tables->proc~write_bt_d_he3 program~generate_tables->proc~write_bt_h_aq program~generate_tables->proc~write_bt_h_h program~generate_tables->proc~write_bt_d_d program~generate_tables->proc~write_bt_h_e


Module Procedures

public subroutine bt_maxwellian_eb(fn, T, eb, am, ab, rate)

Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a beam with atomic mass ab and energy eb firing into a target with atomic mass am and temperature T which has a cross section given by the function fn


public function fn(a)

Cross section function

real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a
Return Value real(kind=8)
real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: T

Target temperature [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Beam energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: am

Target atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ab

Beam atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: rate

Reaction Rate []

public subroutine bt_maxwellian_n(fn, T, eb, am, ab, n, rate)

Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a beam with atomic mass ab, energy eb, and energy level n firing into a target with atomic mass am and temperature T which has a cross section given by the function fn


public function fn(a, b)

Cross section function

real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: b
Return Value real(kind=8)
real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: T

Target temperature [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Beam energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: am

Target atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ab

Beam atomic mass [amu]

integer, intent(in) :: n

Initial atomic energy level/state

real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: rate

Reaction Rate []

public subroutine bt_maxwellian_n_m(fnm, T, eb, am, ab, n, m, rate, deexcit)

Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a n(\rightarrow)m transition due to a beam with atomic mass ab and energy eb firing into a target with atomic mass am and temperature T which has a cross section given by the function fnm


public function fnm(a, b, c)

Cross section function

real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(in) :: c
Return Value real(kind=8)
real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: T

Target temperature [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Beam energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: am

Target atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ab

Beam atomic mass [amu]

integer, intent(in) :: n

Initial atomic energy level/state

integer, intent(in) :: m

Final atomic energy level/state

real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: rate

Reaction Rate []

logical, intent(in), optional :: deexcit

Calculate de-excitation reaction rate

public subroutine bt_maxwellian_q_n(fqn, q, T, eb, am, ab, n, rate)

Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a beam with atomic mass ab, energy eb, and energy level n firing into a target with atomic mass am, temperature T, and charge q which has a cross section given by the function fqn


public function fqn(a, b, c)

Cross section function

real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(in) :: c
Return Value real(kind=8)
integer, intent(in) :: q

Target charge

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: T

Target temperature [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Beam energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: am

Target atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ab

Beam atomic mass [amu]

integer, intent(in) :: n

Initial atomic energy level/state

real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: rate

Reaction Rate []

public subroutine bt_maxwellian_q_n_m(fqnm, q, T, eb, am, ab, n, m, rate, deexcit)

Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a n(\rightarrow)m transition due to a beam with atomic mass ab and energy eb firing into a target with atomic mass am, temperature T, and charge q which has a cross section given by the function fqnm


public function fqnm(a, b, c, d)

Cross section function

real(kind=8), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: b
integer, intent(in) :: c
integer, intent(in) :: d
Return Value real(kind=8)
integer, intent(in) :: q

Target charge

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: T

Target temperature [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Beam energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: am

Target atomic mass [amu]

real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ab

Beam atomic mass [amu]

integer, intent(in) :: n

Initial atomic energy level/state

integer, intent(in) :: m

Final atomic energy level/state

real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: rate

Reaction Rate []

logical, intent(in), optional :: deexcit

Calculate de-excitation reaction rate