Reads in the fast-ion distribution function and stores the quantities in fbm
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer(kind=HID_T), | intent(inout) | :: | fid | HDF5 file ID |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | error | Error code |
subroutine read_f(fid, error)
!+ Reads in the fast-ion distribution function and stores the quantities in [[libfida:fbm]]
integer(HID_T), intent(inout) :: fid
!+ HDF5 file ID
integer, intent(out) :: error
!+ Error code
integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(4) :: dims
real(Float64) :: dummy(1), denp_tot
integer :: ir
if( then
write(*,'(a)') '---- Fast-ion distribution settings ----'
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid,"/nenergy", fbm%nenergy, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid,"/npitch", fbm%npitch, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid,"/nr", fbm%nr, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid,"/nz", fbm%nz, error)
if(( then
if( then
write(*,'(a)') "READ_F: Distribution file has incompatable grid dimensions"
allocate(fbm%energy(fbm%nenergy), fbm%pitch(fbm%npitch), fbm%r(fbm%nr), fbm%z(fbm%nz))
allocate(fbm%denf(fbm%nr, fbm%nz))
allocate(fbm%f(fbm%nenergy, fbm%npitch, fbm%nr, fbm%nz))
dims = [fbm%nenergy, fbm%npitch, fbm%nr, fbm%nz]
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/energy", fbm%energy, dims(1:1), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/pitch", fbm%pitch, dims(2:2), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/r", fbm%r, dims(3:3), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/z", fbm%z, dims(4:4), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/denf",fbm%denf, dims(3:4), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid, "/f", fbm%f, dims, error)
equil%plasma%denf = fbm%denf
fbm%dE = abs(fbm%energy(2) - fbm%energy(1))
fbm%dp = abs(fbm%pitch(2) - fbm%pitch(1))
fbm%dr = abs(fbm%r(2) - fbm%r(1))
fbm%dz = abs(fbm%z(2) - fbm%z(1))
dummy = minval(fbm%energy)
fbm%emin = dummy(1)
dummy = maxval(fbm%energy)
fbm%emax = dummy(1)
fbm%e_range = fbm%emax - fbm%emin
dummy = minval(fbm%pitch)
fbm%pmin = dummy(1)
dummy = maxval(fbm%pitch)
fbm%pmax = dummy(1)
fbm%p_range = fbm%pmax - fbm%pmin
denp_tot = 0.0
do ir=1,fbm%nr
fbm%n_tot = fbm%n_tot + 2*pi*fbm%dr*fbm%dz*sum(fbm%denf(ir,:))*fbm%r(ir)
denp_tot = denp_tot + 2*pi*fbm%dr*fbm%dz*sum(equil%plasma(ir,:)%denp)*fbm%r(ir)
if( then
if( then
write(*,'(a," (",ES10.3," >=",ES10.3,")")') &
"READ_F: The total of number of fast ions exceeded the total number of thermal ions.", &
fbm%n_tot, denp_tot
write(*,'(a)') "This is usually caused by zeff being incorrect."
if( then
write(*,'(T2,"Distribution type: ",a)') "Fast-ion Density Function F(energy,pitch,R,Z)"
write(*,'(T2,"Nenergy = ",i3)') fbm%nenergy
write(*,'(T2,"Npitch = ",i3)') fbm%npitch
write(*,'(T2,"Energy range = [",f5.2,",",f6.2,"]")') fbm%emin,fbm%emax
write(*,'(T2,"Pitch range = [",f5.2,",",f5.2,"]")') fbm%pmin,fbm%pmax
write(*,'(T2,"Ntotal = ",ES10.3)') fbm%n_tot
write(*,*) ''
end subroutine read_f