Reads in the fast-ion distribution
subroutine read_distribution
!+ Reads in the fast-ion distribution
integer(HID_T) :: fid
integer :: error
!!Initialize HDF5 interface
call h5open_f(error)
!!Open HDF5 file
call h5fopen_f(inputs%distribution_file, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, fid, error)
!!Get distribution type
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid, "/type", inputs%dist_type, error)
if(inputs%dist_type.eq.1) then
call read_f(fid, error)
else !2 or 3
call read_mc(fid, error)
!!Close file
call h5fclose_f(fid, error)
!!Close HDF5 interface
call h5close_f(error)
end subroutine read_distribution