deriv Interface

public interface deriv

Procedure for finding derivatives from an array

Called by

interface~~deriv~~CalledByGraph interface~deriv deriv proc~read_equilibrium read_equilibrium proc~read_equilibrium->interface~deriv program~fidasim fidasim program~fidasim->proc~read_equilibrium


Module Procedures

private subroutine deriv_1d(x, y, yp)

Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the derivative of an array


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

X Values

real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

Y Values

real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: yp

Derivative of Y w.r.t. X

private subroutine deriv_2d(x, y, z, zxp, zyp)

Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the partial derivative of an array Z w.r.t X and Y


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

X Values

real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

Y Values

real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: z

Z Values

real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: zxp

Derivative of Z w.r.t. X

real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: zyp

Derivative of Z w.r.t. Y