This file contains routines for parallel random number generation and a basic sparse array implementation
!+This file contains routines for parallel random number generation and a basic !+sparse array implementation module utilities !+ Utilities for parallel random number generation and sparse arrays #ifdef _OMP use omp_lib #endif implicit none private public :: ind2sub, sub2ind public :: rng_type, rng_init, rng, rng_uniform, rng_normal, randu, randn, randind public :: SparseArray, get_value, sparse public :: deriv integer, parameter :: Int32 = 4 integer, parameter :: Int64 = kind(int8(1)) integer, parameter :: Float32 = kind(1.e0) integer, parameter :: Float64 = kind(1.d0) integer(Int32), parameter :: IA = 16807 integer(Int32), parameter :: IM = 2147483647 integer(Int32), parameter :: IQ = 127773 integer(Int32), parameter :: IR = 2836 real(Float64), protected :: AM = nearest(1.0,-1.0)/IM integer, parameter :: ns = 2 type :: rng_type !+ Random Number Generator Derived Type integer(Int32), dimension(ns) :: state end type rng_type type(rng_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: rng type SparseArray integer :: nnz = 0 !+ Number of non-zero elements integer :: nd = 0 !+ Number of dimensions integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: dims !+ Dimensions of array integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: inds !+ Linear index of non-zero elements real(Float64), dimension(:), allocatable :: vals !+ Array values end type SparseArray interface randind !+ Procedure for generating a random array index/subscripts module procedure randind_n module procedure randind_w_1 module procedure randind_w_2 end interface interface search_sorted_first !+ Function for searching a sorted array module procedure search_sorted_first_integer module procedure search_sorted_first_float64 end interface interface sparse !+ Creates a sparse array from a dense array module procedure sparse_1 module procedure sparse_2 module procedure sparse_3 module procedure sparse_4 end interface interface deriv !+ Procedure for finding derivatives from an array module procedure deriv_1d module procedure deriv_2d end interface contains !============================================================================ !---------------------------Array Indexing Routines-------------------------- !============================================================================ subroutine ind2sub(dims,ind,subs) !+ Calculate the subscripts `subs` into an array with dimensions `dims` !+ given the corresponding linear index `ind` integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dims !+ Dimensions of array integer, intent(in) :: ind !+ Linear index integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: subs !+ Subscripts corresponding to the linear index integer :: i, ndims, ind1, ind2 ind1=ind ndims = size(dims) do i=1,ndims-1 ind2 = (ind1-1)/dims(i) + 1 subs(i) = ind1 - dims(i)*(ind2-1) ind1 = ind2 enddo subs(ndims) = ind1 end subroutine ind2sub function sub2ind(dims, subs) result (ind) !+ Calculates the linear index of an array with dimensions `dims` and !+ subcripts `subs` integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dims !+ Dimension of Array integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: subs !+ Subscripts to convert integer :: ind !+ Linear index integer :: k, l, p ind = subs(1) do k=2,size(dims) p = dims(1) do l=2, k-1 p = p*dims(l) enddo ind = ind + p*(subs(k)-1) enddo end function sub2ind !============================================================================ !-------------------------------Search Routines------------------------------ !============================================================================ function search_sorted_first_integer(x, v) result(hi) !+ Returns the index of the first value in `x` greater or equal to `v`. !+ Returns `length(x)+1` if `v` is greater then all values in `x`. integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x !+ Monotonically increasing array integer, intent(in) :: v !+ Value to search integer :: hi, lo, m lo = 0 hi = size(x)+1 do while ( m = rshift(lo+hi,1) if(x(m).lt.v) then lo = m else hi = m endif enddo end function search_sorted_first_integer function search_sorted_first_float64(x, v) result(hi) !+ Returns the index of the first value in `x` greater or equal to `v`. !+ Returns `length(x)+1` if `v` is greater then all values in `x`. real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x !+ Monotonically increasing array real(Float64), intent(in) :: v !+ Value to search integer :: hi, lo, m lo = 0 hi = size(x)+1 do while ( m = rshift(lo+hi,1) if(x(m).lt.v) then lo = m else hi = m endif enddo end function search_sorted_first_float64 !============================================================================ !-----------------------Parallel Random Number Routines---------------------- !============================================================================ subroutine rng_init(self, seed) !+ Procedure to initialize a random number generator with a seed type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self !+ Random Number Generator integer(Int32), intent(in) :: seed !+ Initial Seed Value self%state(1) = ieor(777755555,abs(seed)) self%state(2) = ior(ieor(888889999,abs(seed)),1) end subroutine rng_init function rng_uniform(self) result(u) !+ Generate a uniformally-distributed random number in the range [0,1) type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self !+ Random Number Generator real(Float64) :: u !+ Uniform random deviate integer(Int32) :: ix,iy,k ix = self%state(1) iy = self%state(2) ix = ieor(ix,ishft(ix,13)) ix = ieor(ix,ishft(ix,-17)) ix = ieor(ix,ishft(ix,5)) k=iy/IQ iy=IA*(iy - k*IQ) - IR*k if( iy = iy + IM self%state(1) = ix self%state(2) = iy u = am*ior(iand(IM,ieor(ix,iy)),1) end function rng_uniform function rng_normal(self) result(n) !+ Generate a normally-distributed random number with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self !+ Random Number Generator real(Float64) :: n !+ Normal random deviate real(Float64), parameter :: s = 0.449871d0 real(Float64), parameter :: t = 0.386595d0 real(Float64), parameter :: a = 0.196000d0 real(Float64), parameter :: b = 0.254720d0 real(Float64), parameter :: r1 = 0.27597d0 real(Float64), parameter :: r2 = 0.27846d0 real(Float64) :: u, v, x, y, q do u = rng_uniform(self) v = rng_uniform(self) v = 1.7156d0 * (v - 0.5d0) x = u - s y = abs(v) + t q = x**2 + y*(a*y - b*x) if ( exit if ( cycle if((v**2).lt.(-4.0*log(u)*u**2)) exit enddo n = v/u end function rng_normal subroutine randu(randomu) !+ Generate an array of uniformally-distributed random deviates real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(out) :: randomu !+ Array of uniform random deviates integer :: i, thread_id #ifdef _OMP thread_id = OMP_get_thread_num() + 1 #else thread_id = 1 #endif randomu = 0.d0 do i=1,size(randomu) randomu(i) = rng_uniform(rng(thread_id)) enddo end subroutine randu subroutine randn(randomn) !+ Generate an array of normally-distributed random deviates real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(out) :: randomn !+ Array of normal random deviates integer :: i, thread_id #ifdef _OMP thread_id = OMP_get_thread_num() + 1 #else thread_id = 1 #endif randomn = 0.d0 do i=1,size(randomn) randomn(i) = rng_normal(rng(thread_id)) enddo end subroutine randn subroutine randind_n(n,randomi) !+ Generate a array of uniformally-distributed random integers in the range [1, n] integer, intent(in) :: n !+ Largest possible value integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: randomi !+ Array of uniform deviates integer :: i real(Float64), dimension(1) :: randomu randomi = 0 do i=1,size(randomi) call randu(randomu) randomi(i) = ceiling(randomu(1)*n) enddo end subroutine randind_n subroutine randind_w_1(w,randomi) !+ Generate an array of random indices of an 1D array distributed according to `w` real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: w !+ 1D array of index weights integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: randomi !+ Random indices integer :: i, nw real(Float64) :: cdf_val, t real(Float64), dimension(size(w)) :: cdf real(Float64), dimension(1) :: randomu nw = size(w) t = 0.d0 do i=1, nw cdf(i) = t + w(i) t = cdf(i) enddo randomi = 0 do i=1,size(randomi) call randu(randomu) cdf_val = randomu(1)*cdf(nw) randomi(i) = min(search_sorted_first(cdf,cdf_val),nw) enddo end subroutine randind_w_1 subroutine randind_w_2(w,randomi) !+ Generate an array of random subscripts of an 2D array distributed according to `w` real(Float64), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: w !+ 2D array of subscript weights integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: randomi !+ A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts integer :: i,nw integer, dimension(2) :: subs integer, dimension(size(randomi,2)) :: randi randomi = 0 nw = size(w) call randind_w_1(reshape(w,[nw]),randi) do i=1,size(randomi,2) call ind2sub(shape(w),randi(i),subs) randomi(:,i) = subs enddo end subroutine randind_w_2 !============================================================================ !------------------------------Sparse Routines------------------------------- !============================================================================ subroutine sparse_1(A,SA) !+ Routine to create a 1D sparse array from a 1D dense array real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: A !+ Dense Array type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA !+ Sparse Array integer :: n,i,c SA%nd = 1 allocate(SA%dims(SA%nd)) SA%dims = shape(A) SA%nnz = count( if(SA%nnz.eq.0) return allocate(SA%vals(SA%nnz),SA%inds(SA%nnz)) n = size(A) c = 1 do i=1,n if(A(i).ne.0.d0)then SA%inds(c) = i SA%vals(c) = A(i) c = c + 1 endif if( exit enddo end subroutine sparse_1 subroutine sparse_2(A,SA) !+ Routine to create a 2D sparse array from a 2D dense array real(Float64), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: A !+ Dense Array type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA !+ Sparse Array integer :: subs(2) integer :: n,i,c SA%nd = 2 allocate(SA%dims(SA%nd)) SA%dims = shape(A) SA%nnz = count( if(SA%nnz.eq.0) return allocate(SA%vals(SA%nnz),SA%inds(SA%nnz)) n = size(A) c = 1 do i=1,n call ind2sub(SA%dims,i,subs) if(A(subs(1),subs(2)).ne.0.d0)then SA%inds(c) = i SA%vals(c) = A(subs(1),subs(2)) c = c + 1 endif if( exit enddo end subroutine sparse_2 subroutine sparse_3(A,SA) !+ Routine to create a 3D sparse array from a 3D dense array real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: A !+ Dense Array type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA !+ Sparse Array integer :: subs(3) integer :: n,i,c SA%nd = 3 allocate(SA%dims(SA%nd)) SA%dims = shape(A) SA%nnz = count( if(SA%nnz.eq.0) return allocate(SA%vals(SA%nnz),SA%inds(SA%nnz)) n = size(A) c = 1 do i=1,n call ind2sub(SA%dims,i,subs) if(A(subs(1),subs(2),subs(3)).ne.0.d0)then SA%inds(c) = i SA%vals(c) = A(subs(1),subs(2),subs(3)) c = c + 1 endif if( exit enddo end subroutine sparse_3 subroutine sparse_4(A,SA) !+ Routine to create a 4D sparse array from a 4D dense array real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: A !+ Dense Array type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA !+ Sparse Array integer :: subs(4) integer :: n,i,c SA%nd = 4 allocate(SA%dims(SA%nd)) SA%dims = shape(A) SA%nnz = count( if(SA%nnz.eq.0) return allocate(SA%vals(SA%nnz),SA%inds(SA%nnz)) n = size(A) c = 1 do i=1,n call ind2sub(SA%dims,i,subs) if(A(subs(1),subs(2),subs(3),subs(4)).ne.0.d0)then SA%inds(c) = i SA%vals(c) = A(subs(1),subs(2),subs(3),subs(4)) c = c + 1 endif if( exit enddo end subroutine sparse_4 function get_value(SA, subs) result (val) !+ Gets value of sparse array `SA` at the subscripts `subs` type(SparseArray), intent(in) :: SA !+ Sparse Array integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: subs !+ Subscripts of Sparse Array real(Float64) :: val !+ Value of `SA` at `subs` integer :: ind, cind val = 0.d0 if(SA%nnz.eq.0) return ind = sub2ind(SA%dims, subs) cind = search_sorted_first(SA%inds, ind) if(ind.eq.SA%inds(cind))then val = SA%vals(cind) endif end function get_value !============================================================================ !--------------------------------Deriv Routines------------------------------ !============================================================================ subroutine deriv_1d(x,y,yp) !+ Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the derivative of an array real(Float64), dimension(:),intent(in) :: x !+ X Values real(Float64), dimension(:),intent(in) :: y !+ Y Values real(Float64), dimension(:),intent(out) :: yp !+ Derivative of Y w.r.t. X integer :: i,n !! temporary values for loops real(Float64) :: p1,p2,p3 !! intermeadiate values for 3 point lagrangian n = size(x)-1 do i = 2,n p1 = x(i-1) p2 = x(i) p3 = x(i+1) yp(i) = (y(i-1)*(p2-p3)/((p1-p2)*(p1-p3))) + & (y(i)*((1/(p2-p3))-(1/(p1-p2)))) - & (y(i+1)*(p1-p2)/((p1-p3)*(p2-p3))) enddo yp(1) = (y(1)*((x(1)-x(2))+(x(1)-x(3)))/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(1)-x(3)))) - & (y(2)*(x(1)-x(3))/((x(1)-x(2))*(x(2)-x(3)))) + & (y(3)*(x(1)-x(2))/((x(1)-x(3))*(x(2)-x(3)))) yp(n+1) = -(y(n-1)*(x(n)-x(n+1))/((x(n-1)-x(n))*(x(n-1)-x(n+1)))) + & (y(n)*(x(n-1)-x(n+1))/((x(n-1)-x(n))*(x(n)-x(n+1)))) - & (y(n+1)*((x(n-1)-x(n+1))+(x(n)-x(n+1)))/((x(n-1)-x(n+1)) * & (x(n)-x(n+1)))) end subroutine deriv_1d subroutine deriv_2d(x,y,z,zxp,zyp) !+ Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the partial derivative !+ of an array Z w.r.t X and Y real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: x !+ X Values real(Float64), dimension(:), intent(in) :: y !+ Y Values real(Float64), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: z !+ Z Values real(Float64), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: zxp !+ Derivative of Z w.r.t. X real(Float64), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: zyp !+ Derivative of Z w.r.t. Y integer :: i,n !! temporary values for loops n = size(y) do i = 1,n call deriv_1d(x,z(:,i),zxp(:,i)) enddo n = size(x) do i = 1,n call deriv_1d(y,z(i,:),zyp(i,:)) enddo end subroutine deriv_2d end module utilities