CFPDTable Derived Type

type, public :: CFPDTable

Defines Charged Fusion Product orbit trajectories


Source Code


integer, public :: nenergy =0

Number of cfpd energies

integer, public :: nrays =0

Number of "rays"

integer, public :: nsteps =0

Number of total steps

integer, public :: nchan =0

Number of channels

real(kind=Float64), public :: dl

Step length [cm]

real(kind=Float64), public :: dE

CFPD energy bin width [keV]

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: earray

Energies of cfpd orbits [keV]: earray(E3)

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: nactual

Number of spatial steps: nactual(E3,ray,channel)

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: daomega

Differntial area times solid angle [cm^2]: daomega(E3,ray,channel)

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable:: sightline

Velocity [cm/s] and position [cm] in cylindrical (R,Phi,Z) coordinates: sightline(E3,:,step,ray,channel)

Source Code

type CFPDTable
    !+ Defines Charged Fusion Product orbit trajectories
    integer :: nenergy = 0
        !+ Number of cfpd energies
    integer :: nrays = 0
        !+ Number of "rays"
    integer :: nsteps = 0
        !+ Number of total steps
    integer :: nchan = 0
        !+ Number of channels
    real(Float64) :: dl
        !+ Step length [cm]
    real(Float64) :: dE
        !+ CFPD energy bin width [keV]
    real(Float64), dimension(:), allocatable :: earray
        !+ Energies of cfpd orbits [keV]: earray(E3)
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: nactual
        !+ Number of spatial steps: nactual(E3,ray,channel)
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: daomega
        !+ Differntial area times solid angle [cm^2]: daomega(E3,ray,channel)
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sightline
        !+ Velocity [cm/s] and position [cm] in cylindrical (R,Phi,Z) coordinates:
        !+ sightline(E3,:,step,ray,channel)
end type CFPDTable