BirthParticle Derived Type

type, public :: BirthParticle

Defines a Birth particle

Inherited by

type~~birthparticle~~InheritedByGraph type~birthparticle BirthParticle type~birthprofile BirthProfile type~birthprofile->type~birthparticle part


Source Code


integer, public :: neut_type =0

Birth type (1=Full, 2=Half, 3=Third)

integer(kind=Int32), public, dimension(3):: ind =0

Initial beam_grid indices

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(3):: ri =0.d0

Initial position in beam grid coordinates [cm]

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(3):: vi =0.d0

Initial velocity in beam grid coordinates [cm/s]

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(3):: ri_gc =0.d0

Initial guiding-center position in beam grid coordinates [cm]

real(kind=Float64), public :: weight =0.d0

NPA particle weight [fast-ions/s]

real(kind=Float64), public :: energy =0.d0

Birth Energy [keV]

real(kind=Float64), public :: pitch =0.d0

Birth Pitch w.r.t. the magnetic field

Source Code

type BirthParticle
    !+ Defines a Birth particle
    integer :: neut_type = 0
        !+ Birth type (1=Full, 2=Half, 3=Third)
    integer(Int32), dimension(3) :: ind = 0
        !+ Initial [[libfida:beam_grid]] indices
    real(Float64), dimension(3) :: ri = 0.d0
        !+ Initial position in beam grid coordinates [cm]
    real(Float64), dimension(3) :: vi = 0.d0
        !+ Initial velocity in beam grid coordinates [cm/s]
    real(Float64), dimension(3) :: ri_gc = 0.d0
        !+ Initial guiding-center position in beam grid coordinates [cm]
    real(Float64) :: weight = 0.d0
        !+ NPA particle weight [fast-ions/s]
    real(Float64) :: energy = 0.d0
        !+ Birth Energy [keV]
    real(Float64) :: pitch = 0.d0
        !+ Birth Pitch w.r.t. the magnetic field
end type BirthParticle