Calculates the range(s) of gyro-angles that would land within a bounded plane
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(BoundedPlane), | intent(in) | :: | b | Bounded Plane |
type(GyroSurface), | intent(in) | :: | gs | Gyro-surface |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(out), | dimension(2,4) | :: | gyrange | (theta, dtheta) values |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | nrange | Number of ranges. |
subroutine gyro_range(b, gs, gyrange, nrange)
!+ Calculates the range(s) of gyro-angles that would land within a bounded plane
type(BoundedPlane), intent(in) :: b
!+ Bounded Plane
type(GyroSurface), intent(in) :: gs
!+ Gyro-surface
real(Float64), dimension(2,4), intent(out) :: gyrange
!+ (theta, dtheta) values
integer, intent(out) :: nrange
!+ Number of ranges. `1 <= nrange <= 4`
integer :: nb, i, j, ninter
logical :: in_gs
logical, dimension(8) :: cross = .False.
real(Float64) :: t_p, th1, th2, dth
real(Float64), dimension(2) :: u_cur, t_i
real(Float64), dimension(3) :: rc, p_pre, p_cur, v0, ri
real(Float64), dimension(2,8) :: u
real(Float64), dimension(3,50) :: bedge
nrange = 0
gyrange = 0.d0
call line_plane_intersect(gs%center, gs%basis(:,3), b%origin, b%basis(:,3), rc, t_p)
if(t_p.eq.0.0) return
call boundary_edge(b, bedge, nb)
p_pre = bedge(:,1)
in_gs = in_gyro_surface(gs, p_pre)
ninter = 0
u = 0.d0
boundary_loop: do i=1,nb
p_cur = bedge(:,modulo(i,nb)+1)
v0 = p_cur - p_pre
call line_gyro_surface_intersect(p_pre, v0, gs, t_i)
do j=1,2
if((t_i(j).gt.0.0).and.(t_i(j).lt.1.0)) then
ri = p_pre + t_i(j)*v0
call gyro_surface_coordinates(gs, ri, u_cur)
if(u_cur(2).gt.0.0) then
in_gs = .not.in_gs
ninter = ninter + 1
cross(ninter) = in_gs
u(:,ninter) = u_cur
p_pre = p_cur
enddo boundary_loop
if(ninter.eq.0) then
if(in_boundary(b, rc)) then
nrange = 1
gyrange(:,1) = [0.d0,2*pi]
do i=1, ninter
if(cross(i)) then
th1 = u(1,i)
j = modulo(i,ninter) + 1
th2 = u(1,j)
dth = th2-th1
nrange = nrange + 1
if( then
gyrange(:,nrange) = [th1, dth]
gyrange(:,nrange) = [th2, -dth]
!! OpenMP with multiple threads is duplicating gyro-ranges for some markers
!! causing double counting and I don't know why.
!! It should be very unlikely for multiple gyro-ranges to occur so for
!! now I'm including this cludge to force only one gyro-range when using
!! OpenMP.
#ifdef _OMP
if(nrange.eq.1) exit
end subroutine gyro_range