Gets d(d,p)T anisotropy defecit/enhancement factor for a beam interacting with a target plasma
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(LocalProfiles), | intent(in) | :: | plasma | Plasma Paramters |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | v1 | Beam velocity [cm/s] |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | v3 | Charged Fusion Product velocity [cm/s] |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(out) | :: | kappa | Anisotropy factor Reference: Eq. (1) and (3) of NIM A236 (1985) 380 |
subroutine get_ddpt_anisotropy(plasma, v1, v3, kappa)
!+ Gets d(d,p)T anisotropy defecit/enhancement factor for a beam interacting with a target plasma
type(LocalProfiles), intent(in) :: plasma
!+ Plasma Paramters
real(Float64), dimension(3), intent(in) :: v1
!+ Beam velocity [cm/s]
real(Float64), dimension(3), intent(in) :: v3
!+ Charged Fusion Product velocity [cm/s]
real(Float64), intent(out) :: kappa
!+ Anisotropy factor
!+ Reference: Eq. (1) and (3) of NIM A236 (1985) 380
real(Float64), dimension(3,12) :: abc
real(Float64), dimension(13) :: bhcor !!! 13?
real(Float64), dimension(12) :: e, a, b, c
real(Float64), dimension(3) :: vcm, v3cm, vrel
type(InterpolCoeffs1D) :: c1D
real(Float64) :: ai, bi, ci, b1, b2, b11, b12, b21, b22, cos_phi, sin_phi
real(Float64) :: eb, e1com, vnet_square, cos_theta, k, KE, Q, mp, k0, JMeV
integer :: ei, i, err_status
!! Calculate effective beam energy
vrel = v1-plasma%vrot ![cm/s]
vnet_square=dot_product(vrel, vrel) ![(cm/s)**2]
eb = v2_to_E_per_amu*fbm%A*vnet_square ![keV]
!!Calculate anisotropy enhancement/deficit factor
JMeV = 1.60218d-13 ! Conversion factor from MeV to Joules
mp = H1_amu*mass_u ![kg]
Q = 4.04*JMeV ![J]
vcm = 0.5*(v1+plasma%vrot) ![cm/s]
KE = 0.5*mp*vnet_square*1.d-4 ! [J] C-O-M kinetic energy
k0 = norm2(vcm) * sqrt(2*mp/(3*(Q+KE)))*100.d0 ![(cm/s)**2]
if ((norm2(vcm)*norm2(v3)).gt.0.d0) then
cos_phi = dot_product(vcm, v3) / (norm2(vcm)*norm2(v3))
sin_phi = sin(acos(cos_phi))
if (abs(k0*sin_phi).le.1) then
cos_theta = cos_phi*sqrt(1-(k0*sin_phi)**2) - k0*sin_phi**2
cos_theta = 0.d0
cos_theta = 0.d0
!Brown-Jarmie coefficients in Table I with prepended isotropic low-energy extrapolated point
e = [0.0,19.944,29.935,39.927,49.922,59.917,69.914,79.912,89.911,99.909,109.909,116.909]
a = [0.0,0.0208,0.0886,0.1882,0.3215,0.4636,0.6055,0.7528,0.8976,1.041,1.166,1.243]
b = [0.0,0.0023,0.0184,0.0659,0.076,0.168,0.251,0.250,0.378,0.367,0.521,0.55]
c = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.048,0.021,0.039,0.162,0.142,0.276,0.203,0.34]
e(1) = 10.0
a(1) = 0.00903775/(4*pi)
abc(1,:) = a ; abc(2,:) = b ; abc(3,:) = c
!Correction factor to make it consistent with Bosch & Hale
do i=1,12
abc(:,i) = abc(:,i)*bhcor(i)
call interpol_coeff(e, e1com, c1D, err_status)
ei = c1D%i
b1 = c1D%b1
b2 = c1D%b2
ai = b1*abc(1,ei) + b2*abc(1,ei+1)
bi = b1*abc(2,ei) + b2*abc(2,ei+1)
ci = b1*abc(3,ei) + b2*abc(3,ei+1)
kappa = (ai + bi*cos_theta**2 + ci*cos_theta**4) / (ai+bi/3.d0+ci/5.d0)
end subroutine get_ddpt_anisotropy