Gets d(d,p)T rate for a beam with energy eb
interacting with a target plasma
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(LocalProfiles), | intent(in) | :: | plasma | Plasma Paramters |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in) | :: | eb | Beam energy [keV] |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(out) | :: | rate | Neutron reaction rate [1/s] |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | branch | Indicates 1 for cfpd rate and 2 for neutron rate |
subroutine get_dd_rate(plasma, eb, rate, branch)
!+ Gets d(d,p)T rate for a beam with energy `eb` interacting with a target plasma
type(LocalProfiles), intent(in) :: plasma
!+ Plasma Paramters
real(Float64), intent(in) :: eb
!+ Beam energy [keV]
real(Float64), intent(out) :: rate
!+ Neutron reaction rate [1/s]
integer, intent(in), optional :: branch
!+ Indicates 1 for cfpd rate and 2 for neutron rate
integer :: err_status, neb, nt, ebi, tii, is, ib
real(Float64) :: dlogE, dlogT, logEmin, logTmin
real(Float64) :: logeb, logti, lograte
type(InterpolCoeffs2D) :: c
real(Float64) :: b11, b12, b21, b22
if(present(branch)) then
ib = branch
ib = 2
logeb = log10(eb)
logti = log10(plasma%ti)
err_status = 1
logEmin = tables%D_D%logemin
logTmin = tables%D_D%logtmin
dlogE = tables%D_D%dlogE
dlogT = tables%D_D%dlogT
neb = tables%D_D%nenergy
nt = tables%D_D%ntemp
call interpol_coeff(logEmin, dlogE, neb, logTmin, dlogT, nt, &
logeb, logti, c, err_status)
ebi = c%i
tii = c%j
b11 = c%b11
b12 = c%b12
b21 = c%b21
b22 = c%b22
if(err_status.eq.1) then
if( then
write(*,'(a)') "GET_DD_RATE: Eb or Ti out of range of D_D table. Setting D_D rates to zero"
rate = 0.d0
lograte = (b11*tables%D_D%log_rate(ebi,tii,ib) + &
b12*tables%D_D%log_rate(ebi,tii+1,ib) + &
b21*tables%D_D%log_rate(ebi+1,tii,ib) + &
if ( then
rate = 0.d0
rate = 0.d0
do is=1,n_thermal
if(thermal_mass(is).eq.H2_amu) then
rate = rate + plasma%deni(is) * exp(lograte*log_10)
end subroutine get_dd_rate