utilities Module

Utilities for parallel random number generation and sparse arrays


  • module~~utilities~~UsesGraph module~utilities utilities iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~utilities->iso_c_binding omp_lib omp_lib module~utilities->omp_lib

Used by

  • module~~utilities~~UsedByGraph module~utilities utilities module~libfida libfida module~libfida->module~utilities program~generate_tables generate_tables program~generate_tables->module~utilities program~fidasim fidasim program~fidasim->module~libfida



type(rng_type), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: rng


public interface randu

  • private subroutine randu_arr(randomu)

    Generate an array of uniformally-distributed random deviates


    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: randomu

    Array of uniform random deviates

  • private subroutine randu_r_arr(r, randomu)

    Generate an array of uniformally-distributed random deviates


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: randomu

    Array of uniform random deviates

public interface randn

  • private subroutine randn_arr(randomn)

    Generate an array of normally-distributed random deviates


    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: randomn

    Array of normal random deviates

  • private subroutine randn_r_arr(r, randomn)

    Generate an array of normally-distributed random deviates


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: randomn

    Array of normal random deviates

public interface randind_cdf

Procedure for generating a random array index/subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_r_cdf_1(r, cdf, randomi)

    Generate an array of random indices of an 1D array distributed according to cdf


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: cdf

    1D array of index weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Random indices

  • private subroutine randind_cdf_1(cdf, randomi)

    Generate an array of random indices of an 1D array distributed according to cdf


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: cdf

    1D array of index weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Random indices

public interface randind

Procedure for generating a random array index/subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_n(n, randomi)

    Generate a array of uniformally-distributed random integers in the range [1, n]


    integer, intent(in) :: n

    Largest possible value

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Array of uniform deviates

  • private subroutine randind_w_1(w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random indices of an 1D array distributed according to w


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: w

    1D array of index weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Random indices

  • private subroutine randind_w_2(w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 2D array distributed according to w


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: w

    2D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_w_3(w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 3D array distributed according to w


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:):: w

    3D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_w_4(w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 4D array distributed according to w


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:):: w

    4D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_w_5(w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 5D array distributed according to w


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: w

    5D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_r_n(r, n, randomi)

    Generate a array of uniformally-distributed random integers in the range [1, n]


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    integer, intent(in) :: n

    Largest possible value

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Array of uniform deviates

  • private subroutine randind_r_w_1(r, w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random indices of an 1D array distributed according to w


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: w

    1D array of index weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: randomi

    Random indices

  • private subroutine randind_r_w_2(r, w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 2D array distributed according to w


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:), target:: w

    2D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_r_w_3(r, w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 3D array distributed according to w


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), target:: w

    3D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_r_w_4(r, w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 4D array distributed according to w


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:), target:: w

    4D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

  • private subroutine randind_r_w_5(r, w, randomi)

    Generate an array of random subscripts of an 5D array distributed according to w


    type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: r

    Random Number Generator

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), target:: w

    5D array of subscript weights

    integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:):: randomi

    A 2D (ndim, :) array of random subscripts

public interface sparse

Creates a sparse array from a dense array

  • private subroutine sparse_1(A, SA)

    Routine to create a 1D sparse array from a 1D dense array


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: A

    Dense Array

    type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA

    Sparse Array

  • private subroutine sparse_2(A, SA)

    Routine to create a 2D sparse array from a 2D dense array


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: A

    Dense Array

    type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA

    Sparse Array

  • private subroutine sparse_3(A, SA)

    Routine to create a 3D sparse array from a 3D dense array


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:):: A

    Dense Array

    type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA

    Sparse Array

  • private subroutine sparse_4(A, SA)

    Routine to create a 4D sparse array from a 4D dense array


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:):: A

    Dense Array

    type(SparseArray), intent(out) :: SA

    Sparse Array

public interface deriv

Procedure for finding derivatives from an array

  • private subroutine deriv_1d(x, y, yp)

    Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the derivative of an array


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    X Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    Y Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: yp

    Derivative of Y w.r.t. X

  • private subroutine deriv_2d(x, y, z, zxp, zyp)

    Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the partial derivative of an array Z w.r.t X and Y


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    X Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    Y Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: z

    Z Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: zxp

    Derivative of Z w.r.t. X

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: zyp

    Derivative of Z w.r.t. Y

  • private subroutine deriv_3d(r, z, phi, f, frp, fzp, fphip)

    Uses 3 point lagrangian method to calculate the partial derivative of an array F w.r.t R, Z and Phi


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: r

    R Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: z

    Z Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: phi

    Phi Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:):: f

    F Values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:,:):: frp

    Derivative of F w.r.t. R

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:,:):: fzp

    Derivative of F w.r.t. Z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:,:):: fphip

    Derivative of F w.r.t. Phi

public interface interpol_coeff

Calculates interpolation coefficients

  • private subroutine interpol1D_coeff(xmin, dx, nx, xout, c, err)

    Linear interpolation coefficients and index for a 1D grid y(x)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xmin

    Minimum abscissa value

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dx

    Absissa spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: nx

    Number of abscissa

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    Abscissa value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs1D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

  • private subroutine interpol1D_coeff_arr(x, xout, c, err)

    Linear interpolation coefficients and index for a 1D grid y(x)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    Abscissa values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    Abscissa value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs1D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

  • private subroutine interpol2D_coeff(xmin, dx, nx, ymin, dy, ny, xout, yout, c, err)

    Bilinear interpolation coefficients and indicies for a 2D grid z(x,y)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xmin

    Minimum abscissa

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dx

    Abscissa spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: nx

    Number of abscissa

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: ymin

    Minimum ordinate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dy

    Ordinate spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: ny

    Number of ordinates points

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    Abscissa value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: yout

    Ordinate value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs2D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

  • private subroutine interpol2D_coeff_arr(x, y, xout, yout, c, err)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    Abscissa values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    Ordinate values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    Abscissa value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: yout

    Ordinate value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs2D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

  • private subroutine cyl_interpol3D_coeff(rmin, dr, nr, zmin, dz, nz, phimin, dphi, nphi, rout, zout, phiout, c, err)

    Cylindrical interpolation coefficients and indicies for a 3D grid


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: rmin

    Minimum R

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dr

    R spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: nr

    Number of R points

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: zmin

    Minimum Z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dz

    Z spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: nz

    Number of Z points

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: phimin

    Minimum phi

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: dphi

    Phi spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: nphi

    Number of phi points

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: rout

    R value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: zout

    Z value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: phiout

    Phi value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs3D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

  • private subroutine cyl_interpol3D_coeff_arr(r, z, phi, rout, zout, phiout, c, err)

    Cylindrical interpolation coefficients and indicies for a 3D grid


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: r

    R values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: z

    Z values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: phi

    Phi values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: rout

    R value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: zout

    Z value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: phiout

    Phi value to interpolate

    type(InterpolCoeffs3D), intent(out) :: c

    Interpolation Coefficients

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

public interface interpol

Performs linear/bilinear/cylindrical interpolation

  • private subroutine interpol1D_arr(x, y, xout, yout, err, coeffs)

    Performs linear interpolation on a uniform 1D grid y(x)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    The abscissa values of y

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    Values at abscissa values x: y(x)

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    Abscissa value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: yout

    Interpolant: y(xout)

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

    type(InterpolCoeffs1D), intent(in), optional :: coeffs

    Precomputed Linear Interpolation Coefficients

  • private subroutine interpol2D_arr(x, y, z, xout, yout, zout, err, coeffs)

    Performs bilinear interpolation on a 2D grid z(x,y)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    The abscissa values of z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    The ordinate values of z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:):: z

    Values at the abscissa/ordinates: z(x,y)

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    The abscissa value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: yout

    The ordinate value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: zout

    Interpolant: z(xout,yout)

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

    type(InterpolCoeffs2D), intent(in), optional :: coeffs

    Precomputed Linear Interpolation Coefficients

  • private subroutine interpol2D_2D_arr(x, y, z, xout, yout, zout, err, coeffs)

    Performs bilinear interpolation on a 2D grid of 2D arrays z(:,:,x,y)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

    The abscissa values of z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: y

    The ordinate values of z

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:):: z

    Values at the abscissa/ordinates: z(:,:,x,y)

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: xout

    The abscissa value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: yout

    The ordinate value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: zout

    Interpolant: z(:,:,xout,yout)

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

    type(InterpolCoeffs2D), intent(in), optional :: coeffs

    Precomputed Linear Interpolation Coefficients

  • private subroutine interpol3D_arr(r, z, phi, d, rout, zout, phiout, dout, err, coeffs)

    Performs cylindrical interpolation on a 3D grid f(r,z,phi)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: r

    R values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: z

    Z values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: phi

    Phi values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:):: d

    Values at r,z,phi: d(r,z,phi)

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: rout

    R value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: zout

    Z value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: phiout

    Phi value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out) :: dout

    Interpolant: d(rout,zout,phiout)

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

    type(InterpolCoeffs3D), intent(in), optional :: coeffs

    Precomputed Interpolation Coefficients

  • private subroutine interpol3D_2D_arr(r, z, phi, f, rout, zout, phiout, fout, err, coeffs)

    Performs cylindrical interpolation on a 3D grid of 2D arrays f(:,:,r,z,phi)


    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: r

    R values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: z

    Z values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: phi

    Phi values

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: f

    Values at r,z,phi: f(:,:,r,z,phi)

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: rout

    R value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: zout

    Z value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: phiout

    Phi value to interpolate

    real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:,:):: fout

    Interpolant: f(:,:,rout,zout,phiout)

    integer, intent(out), optional :: err

    Error code

    type(InterpolCoeffs3D), intent(in), optional :: coeffs

    Precomputed Interpolation Coefficients

Derived Types

type, public :: rng_type

Random Number Generator Derived Type

type, public :: SparseArray

type, public :: InterpolCoeffs1D

Linear Interpolation Coefficients and indices

type, public :: InterpolCoeffs2D

2D Linear Interpolation Coefficients and indices

type, public :: InterpolCoeffs3D

3D Cylindrical Interpolation Coefficients and indices


public function sub2ind(dims, subs) result(ind)

Calculates the linear index of an array with dimensions dims and subcripts subs


integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: dims

Dimension of Array

integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: subs

Subscripts to convert

Return Value integer

Linear index

public function rng_seed() result(seed)

Generates random 32-bit integer seed from /dev/urandom



Return Value integer(kind=Int32)

Seed value

public function get_rng() result(r)



Return Value type(rng_type)

public function rng_uniform(self) result(u)

Generate a uniformally-distributed random number in the range [0,1)


type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self

Random Number Generator

Return Value real(kind=Float64)

Uniform random deviate

public function rng_normal(self) result(n)

Generate a normally-distributed random number with mean 0 and standard deviation 1


type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self

Random Number Generator

Return Value real(kind=Float64)

Normal random deviate

public function get_value(SA, subs) result(val)

Gets value of sparse array SA at the subscripts subs


type(SparseArray), intent(in) :: SA

Sparse Array

integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: subs

Subscripts of Sparse Array

Return Value real(kind=Float64)

Value of SA at subs

public function time_string(time_start) result(time_str)

Returns time string


integer, intent(in), optional dimension(8):: time_start

Optional start time

Return Value character(len=30)

Time string

public function norm2(in) result(res)


real(kind=Float64), dimension(:):: in

Return Value real(kind=Float64)


public subroutine ind2sub(dims, ind, subs)

Calculate the subscripts subs into an array with dimensions dims given the corresponding linear index ind


integer, intent(in), dimension(:):: dims

Dimensions of array

integer, intent(in) :: ind

Linear index

integer, intent(out), dimension(:):: subs

Subscripts corresponding to the linear index

public subroutine rng_init(self, seed)

Procedure to initialize a random number generator with a seed. If seed is negative then random seed is used


type(rng_type), intent(inout) :: self

Random Number Generator

integer(kind=Int32), intent(in) :: seed

Initial Seed Value

public subroutine cumsum(x, cs)

Calculate cumulative sum


real(kind=Float64), intent(in), dimension(:):: x

Array to sum

real(kind=Float64), intent(out), dimension(:):: cs

Cumulative sum of x