LOSInters Derived Type

type, public :: LOSInters

Defines the channels that intersect a cell


type~~losinters~~InheritsGraph type~losinters LOSInters type~loselement LOSElement type~losinters->type~loselement los_elem

Inherited by

type~~losinters~~InheritedByGraph type~losinters LOSInters type~spectralchords SpectralChords type~spectralchords->type~losinters inter, cyl_inter


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer, public :: nchan =0

Number of channels that intersect

type(LOSElement), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: los_elem

Array of crossing

Source Code

type LOSInters
    !+ Defines the channels that intersect a cell
    integer :: nchan = 0
        !+ Number of channels that intersect
    type(LOSElement), dimension(:), allocatable :: los_elem
        !+ Array of crossing
end type LOSInters