Reads NUBEAM fast-ion distribution function
filename: NUBEAM guiding center fast-ion distribution function file e.g. 159245H01_fi_1.cdf
grid: Interpolation grid
btipsign: Sign of the dot product of the magnetic field and plasma current
e_range: Energy range to consider
p_range: Pitch range to consider
Distribution structure
IDL> dist = read_nubeam("./159245H02_fi_1.cdf",grid,btipsign=-1)
FUNCTION grid_fbm,r2d,z2d,fbm,fdens,rout,zout compile_opt idl2, logical_predicate s = size(fbm,/dim) nenergy = s[0] npitch = s[1] nr = n_elements(rout) nz = n_elements(zout) nr2d = n_elements(r2d) dim = [nr,nz] delta = abs([rout[1]-rout[0],zout[1]-zout[0]]) start = [min(rout),min(zout)] triangulate, r2d, z2d, tr r2dt = r2d[tr[*]] z2dt = z2d[tr[*]] linTr = lindgen(size(tr,/dim)) index = lindgen(n_elements(tr))/3*3 tr_num = round(griddata(r2dt,z2dt,float(index),triangles=linTr,/linear,$ start=start,delta=delta,dimension=dim)) wts = ptrarr(3) for i=0,2 do begin w = griddata(r2dt,z2dt,(lindgen(n_elements(r2dt)) mod 3) eq i,triangles=linTr,/linear,$ start=start,delta=delta,dimension=dim) wts[i] = ptr_new(w,/no_copy) endfor denf = dblarr(nr,nz) for i=0,2 do begin denf = denf + fdens[tr[tr_num+i]]*(*wts[i]) endfor denf = denf > 0 fbm_grid = dblarr(nenergy,npitch,nr,nz) for i=0,nenergy-1 do begin for j=0,npitch-1 do begin for k=0,2 do begin fbm_grid[i,j,*,*] = fbm_grid[i,j,*,*] + fbm[i,j,tr[tr_num+k]]*(*wts[k]) endfor endfor endfor fbm_grid = fbm_grid > 0 ;; Catch points outside of triangulation tr_ind = fix(griddata(r2d,z2d,indgen(nr2d),triangles=tr,/nearest_neighbor, $ start=start,delta=delta,dimension=dim)) denf_nn = fdens[tr_ind] fbm_grid_nn = fbm[*,*,tr_ind] w = where(denf le 0.0,nw) if nw ne 0 then begin denf[w] = denf_nn[w] inds=array_indices(denf,w) for i=0,nw-1 do begin fbm_grid[*,*,inds[0,i],inds[1,i]]=fbm_grid_nn[*,*,w[i]] endfor end return, {denf:denf, fbm:fbm_grid} END FUNCTION read_nubeam,filename,grid,btipsign=btipsign,e_range=e_range,p_range=p_range ;+#read_nubeam ;+Reads NUBEAM fast-ion distribution function ;+*** ;+##Arguments ;+ **filename**: NUBEAM guiding center fast-ion distribution function file e.g. 159245H01_fi_1.cdf ;+ ;+ **grid**: Interpolation grid ;+ ;+##Keyword Arguments ;+ **btipsign**: Sign of the dot product of the magnetic field and plasma current ;+ ;+ **e_range**: Energy range to consider ;+ ;+ **p_range**: Pitch range to consider ;+ ;+##Return Value ;+Distribution structure ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> dist = read_nubeam("./159245H02_fi_1.cdf",grid,btipsign=-1) ;+``` if not keyword_set(btipsign) then btipsign = -1 cdftest=findfile(filename) if cdftest[0] eq '' then begin err=1 goto,GET_OUT endif vars = read_ncdf(filename,vars=["TIME","R2D","Z2D","E_D_NBI","A_D_NBI", $ "F_D_NBI","RSURF","ZSURF","BMVOL"]) ngrid=n_elements(vars.r2d) ;;-------------Convert eV-> keV time = vars.time r2d = vars.r2d z2d = vars.z2d rsurf = vars.rsurf zsurf = vars.zsurf pitch = vars.a_d_nbi energy=vars.e_d_nbi*1.0d-3 ;; fidasim needs energy in kev fbm=vars.f_d_nbi*1.0d3 ;; now, this needs to be corrected ;; as we now calculate with fast-ions/omega/keV/cm^3 ;;------------Convert d_omega --> pitch ;; Fast-ion distribution is given as a function of cm^3, energy ;; and d_omega/4Pi. omega is the solild angle in 3D velocity space. In ;; order to transform this to a function depending on pitch instead ;; of d_omega/4PI, one has to multiply by 0.5! fbm*=0.5 ;; make sure that fbm is >=0: fbm>=0. ;;loading finished ;; TRANSP defines the pitch along the current direction. In ;; contrast, FIDASIM uses pitch along the B-field! Therefore, ;; reverse the pitch coordinate in fbm if B and J are anti-parallel! if btipsign lt 0 then begin npitch=n_elements(pitch) index=npitch-(indgen(npitch)+1) fbm[*,*,*]=fbm[*,index,*] endif if not keyword_set(e_range) then begin e_range = [min(energy),max(energy)] endif if not keyword_set(p_range) then begin p_range = [min(pitch),max(pitch)] endif ;;----------- select energy range ------- index=where(energy ge e_range[0] and energy le e_range[1],nenergy) energy=energy[index] fbm=fbm[index,*,*] dE = energy[1] - energy[0] emin=(float(energy[0]) - float(0.5*dE))>0. emax=float(energy[nenergy-1]) + float(0.5*dE) print, 'Energy min/max:', emin,emax ;; --------- select Pitch range -------- index=where(pitch ge p_range[0] and pitch le p_range[1],npitch) pitch=pitch[index] fbm=fbm[*,index,*] dP = abs(pitch[1] - pitch[0]) pmin=(float(pitch[0]) - float(0.5*dP))>(-1) pmax=(float(pitch[npitch-1])+ float(0.5*dP))<1 print, 'Pitch min/max:', pmin,pmax ;; ------map fdens on FIDASIM grid and sort out ;; ------points outside the separatrix rgrid=grid.r zgrid=grid.z dr = abs(rgrid[1]-rgrid[0]) dz = abs(zgrid[1]-zgrid[0]) ;; FBM & DENF fdens=total(reform(total(fbm,1)),1)*dE*dP ntot = total(fdens*vars.bmvol) print, 'Ntotal in phase space: ',ntot fstr = grid_fbm(r2d,z2d,fbm,fdens,rgrid,zgrid) denf = fstr.denf fbm_grid=fstr.fbm ;; sort out positions more than 2 cm outside the separatrix rmaxis=mean(rsurf[*,0]) zmaxis=mean(zsurf[*,0]) rsep=rsurf[*,(size(rsurf))[2]-1] zsep=zsurf[*,(size(rsurf))[2]-1] x_bdry = rsep - rmaxis y_bdry = zsep - zmaxis r_bdry = sqrt(x_bdry^2 + y_bdry^2) theta = atan(y_bdry,x_bdry) ;; -- sort and remove identical values -- index = uniq(theta,sort(theta)) theta = theta[index] r = r_bdry[index] ;; --- make theta periodic n = n_elements(r) r_bdry = fltarr(n+2) theta_bdry = fltarr(n+2) theta_bdry[1:n] = theta r_bdry[1:n] = r r_bdry[0] = r[n-1] theta_bdry[0] = theta[n-1] - 2.*!pi r_bdry[n+1] = r[0] theta_bdry[n+1] = theta[0] + 2.*!pi ;; -- express (r_pts,z_pts) in (r,theta) coordinates -- x_pts = grid.r2d - rmaxis y_pts = grid.z2d - zmaxis r_pts = sqrt(x_pts^2 + y_pts^2) theta_pts=atan(y_pts,x_pts) ;; -- interpolate to get the radial position of the boundary ;; evaluated at theta = theta_pts -- index=sort(theta_pts) mapped = interpol(r_bdry,theta_bdry,theta_pts[index]) r_boundary = theta_pts*0.d r_boundary[index]=mapped index = where(r_pts gt r_boundary+2., nind) if nind gt 0 then begin indices=array_indices(r_pts,index) for i=0,(size(indices))[2]-1 do begin fbm_grid[*,*,indices[0,i],indices[1,i]]=0. denf[indices[0,i],indices[1,i]]=0. endfor endif ;; enforce correct normalization ntot_denf = (2*!dpi*dr*dz)*total(rgrid*total(denf,2)) denf = denf*(ntot/ntot_denf) ntot_fbm = (2*!dpi*dr*dz*dE*dP)*total(rgrid*total(total(total(fbm_grid,1),1),2)) fbm_grid = fbm_grid*(ntot/ntot_fbm) fbm_struct={type:1,time:time,nenergy:fix(nenergy),energy:energy,npitch:fix(npitch),$ pitch:pitch,f:fbm_grid,denf:denf,data_source:file_expand_path(filename)} return, fbm_struct GET_OUT: END