Reads an EFIT GEQDSK file
filename: GEQDSK file
grid: Interpolation grid
flux: Set this keyword to a named variable to receive sqrt(normalized torodial flux) (rho) mapped onto the interpolation grid
g: Set this keyword to a named variable to recieve the geqdsk structure
btipsign: Set this keyword to a named variable to recieve the bt-ip sign
psi: Return sqrt(normalized poloidal flux) instead of sqrt(normalized toroidal flux)
Electronmagnetic fields structure
IDL> fields = read_geqdsk("./g133223.00200",grid,flux=flux)
;====================================================================== ; $Id:,v 1.3 2008/06/14 18:51:54 liud Exp $ ;====================================================================== ; WWH removed requirement for a eqdsk from Jong's calculate_bfields ; Include sign of current so br & bz go in right direction for ; standard (r,phi,z) coordinates ; NAME: ; CALCULATE_BFIELD ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculate the poloidal, toroidal, vertical and radial magnetic ; field components ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; calculate_bfields,bp,br,bt,bz,a,g ; ; INPUT PARAMETERS: ; a: - structure containing A0 parameters ; g: - structure containing G0 parameters ; ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ; NONE ; ; KEYWORDS: ; ; NONE ; ; OUTPUTS: ; bp 2-D array containing the poloidal field at refit,zefit ; br 2-D array containing the radial field at refit,zefit ; bt 2-D array containing the toroidal field at refit,zefit ; bz 2-D array containing the vertical field at refit,zefit ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; ; NONE ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; NONE ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Prior to this using this function, you must have first read in ; the EFIT data to fill the a and g structures. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The program uses a simple differentiation using a 3 point ; Lagrangian interpolation. ; ; CODE TYPE: modeling, analysis ; ; CODE SUBJECT: edge, transport, equilibrium ; ; EASE OF USE: can be used with existing documentation ; ; OPERATING SYSTEMS: Unix Of All Flavors ; ; EXTERNAL CALLS: NONE ; ; RESPONSIBLE PERSON: Ray Jong ; ; DATE OF LAST MODIFICATION: 09/24/98 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; Created by Gary D. Porter, LLNL ; 1994.02.16 Michael D. Brown ; Optimized for IDL ; 1998.02.17: Gary D. Porter ; Modified to use new EFIT routines and a and g structures. ; No longer uses efitcommon. ;- PRO calculate_bfield,bp,br,bt,bz,g compile_opt defint32,strictarr,strictarrsubs & bp=fltarr(mw,mh) & bt=fltarr(mw,mh) & br=fltarr(mw,mh) & bz=fltarr(mw,mh) dpsidx = fltarr(mw,mh) dpsidy = fltarr(mw,mh) ; calculate vertical derivative of psi for i = 0,mw-1 do begin dpsidy[i,*] = Deriv(g.z[0:mh-1],g.psirz[i,0:mh-1]) endfor ; calculate horizontal derivative of psi for j = 0,mh-1 do begin dpsidx[*,j] = Deriv(g.r[0:mw-1],g.psirz[0:mw-1,j]) endfor ; calculate array of Br, Bz, and Bp for j = 0,mh-1 do begin br[*,j] = dpsidy[0:mw-1,j]/g.r[0:mw-1] bz[*,j] = -dpsidx[0:mw-1,j]/g.r[0:mw-1] endfor bp = sqrt(br*br+bz*bz) ; WWH get right sign if g.cpasma lt 0. then begin br=-br & bz=-bz end ; Calculate toroidal field ; Original coding was from gfield.for by Peter Politzer, ; translated to IDL by Gary Porter (see BFIELD.PRO). ; The code below has be optimized for IDL by Michael D. Brown, 2/16/94 dpsi = (g.ssibry-g.ssimag)/float(mw-1) ; first order Bt value. for j=0,mh-1 do bt[0:mw-1,j]=g.bcentr*g.rzero/g.r[0:mw-1] k = long((g.psirz - g.ssimag)/dpsi) iw=where(k ge 0 and k lt mw-1,n) ; 1-d indexes where k is a valid index. if n gt 0 then begin iwr = iw mod mw ; map matrix 1-d selected indexes to an refit row index. bt[iw] = ( g.fpol[k[iw]]+(g.fpol[k[iw]+1]-g.fpol[k[iw]])* $ (g.psirz[iw]-(k[iw]*dpsi+g.ssimag))/dpsi ) / g.r[iwr] endif return end FUNCTION read_geqdsk,filename,grid,flux=flux,g=g,btipsign=btipsign, psi=psi ;+#read_geqdsk ;+Reads an EFIT GEQDSK file ;+*** ;+##Arguments ;+ **filename**: GEQDSK file ;+ ;+ **grid**: Interpolation grid ;+ ;+##Keyword Arguments ;+ **flux**: Set this keyword to a named variable to receive ;+ sqrt(normalized torodial flux) (rho) mapped onto the interpolation grid ;+ ;+ **g**: Set this keyword to a named variable to recieve the geqdsk structure ;+ ;+ **btipsign**: Set this keyword to a named variable to recieve the bt-ip sign ;+ ;+ **psi**: Return sqrt(normalized poloidal flux) instead of sqrt(normalized toroidal flux) ;+ ;+##Return Value ;+Electronmagnetic fields structure ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> fields = read_geqdsk("./g133223.00200",grid,flux=flux) ;+``` equil={err:1} ;; Get eqdsk g=readg(filename) btipsign = signum(g.bcentr*g.cpasma) time = double(g.time) if not keyword_set(psi) then begin fluxgrid=double(rho_rz(g,grid.r2d/100.,grid.z2d/100.,/do_linear,/norm)) endif else begin r = g.r dr = abs(r[1]-r[0]) z = g.z dz = abs(z[1]-z[0]) fluxgrid = interpolate(g.psirz,(grid.r2d/100-r[0])/dr,(grid.z2d/100 -z[0])/dz,cubic=-0.5) fluxgrid = sqrt((fluxgrid - g.ssimag)/(g.ssibry - g.ssimag)) end calculate_bfield,bp,br,bphi,bz1,g ;; Get radial electric field on efit's grid from potential ;; epoten is on a grid of equally spaced points in psi from g.ssimag to g.ssibry dpsi=(g.ssibry-g.ssimag)/(n_elements(g.epoten)-1) psi=g.ssimag + dpsi*findgen(n_elements(g.epoten)) npot=n_elements(g.epoten) epot=replicate(g.epoten[npot-1],n_elements(g.r),n_elements(g.z)) for i=0l,n_elements(g.r)-1 do begin for j=0l,n_elements(g.z)-1 do begin psi1=g.psirz[i,j] dum=min(abs(psi1-psi),kpsi) if kpsi ne npot-1 then epot[i,j]=spline(psi,g.epoten,[psi1]) endfor endfor ; E = - grad(Phi) EFIT units should be V/m er=-(shift(epot,-1,0) - shift(epot,1,0))/(g.r[2]-g.r[0]) ez1=-(shift(epot,0,-1) - shift(epot,0,1))/(g.z[2]-g.z[0]) ;; Interpolate cylindrical fields onto (r,w) mesh b_r=dblarr(, & b_t=b_r & b_z=b_r e_r=dblarr(, & e_t=e_r & e_z=e_r for i=0L, do for j=0L, do begin rgrid=(.01*grid.r2d[i,j] - g.r[0])/(g.r[1]-g.r[0]) ; in grid units zgrid=(.01*grid.z2d[i,j] - g.z[0])/(g.z[1]-g.z[0]) ; WWH 3/31/07 b_r[i,j] =interpolate(br,[rgrid],[zgrid]) e_r[i,j] =interpolate(er,[rgrid],[zgrid]) b_t[i,j] =interpolate(bphi,[rgrid],[zgrid]) e_z[i,j] =interpolate(ez1,[rgrid],[zgrid]) b_z[i,j] =interpolate(bz1,[rgrid],[zgrid]) endfor flux = fluxgrid mask = replicate(1,, equil={time:time,data_source:file_expand_path(filename), mask:mask, $ br:b_r,bt:b_t,bz:b_z,er:e_r,et:e_t,ez:e_z} GET_OUT: return,equil END