Checks if interpolation grid structure is valid
grid: Interpolation grid structure
IDL> check_grid, grid
PRO check_grid, grid ;+#check_grid ;+Checks if interpolation grid structure is valid ;+*** ;+##Input Arguments ;+ **grid**: Interpolation grid structure ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> check_grid, grid ;+``` err_status = 0 info,'Checking interpolation grid...' w = where("nr" eq strlowcase(TAG_NAMES(grid)),nw) if nw eq 0 then begin error,'"nr" is missing from the interpolation grid' err_status = 1 goto, GET_OUT endif w = where("nz" eq strlowcase(TAG_NAMES(grid)),nw) if nw eq 0 then begin error,'"nz" is missing from the interpolation grid' err_status = 1 goto, GET_OUT endif nr = nz = zero_int = {dims:0,type:'INT'} schema = {nr:zero_int, nz:zero_int, $ r2d:{dims:[nr,nz], type:'DOUBLE'}, $ z2d:{dims:[nr,nz], type:'DOUBLE'}, $ r:{dims:[nr], type:'DOUBLE'}, $ z:{dims:[nz], type:'DOUBLE'} } check_struct_schema, schema, grid, err_status, desc="interpolation grid" if err_status eq 1 then begin goto, GET_OUT endif w = where((indgen(nr) eq sort(grid.r)) ne 1, nw) if nw ne 0 then begin error,'r is not in ascending order' err_status = 1 endif w = where((indgen(nz) eq sort(grid.z)) ne 1, nw) if nw ne 0 then begin error,'z is not in ascending order' err_status = 1 endif w = where((grid.r eq grid.r2d[*,0]) ne 1, nw) if nw ne 0 then begin error,'r2d is defined incorrectly. Expected r == r2d[*,0]' err_status = 1 endif w = where((grid.z eq grid.z2d[0,*]) ne 1, nw) if nw ne 0 then begin error,'z2d is defined incorrectly. Expected z == z2d[0,*]' err_status = 1 endif GET_OUT: if err_status ne 0 then begin error,'Invalid interpolation grid. Exiting...',/halt endif else begin success,'Interpolation grid is valid' endelse END