Computes the path of a neutral through the beam_grid
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | rin | Initial position of particle |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | vin | Initial velocity of particle |
type(ParticleTrack), | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | tracks | Array of ParticleTrack type |
integer(kind=Int32), | intent(out) | :: | ncell | Number of cells that a particle crosses |
logical, | intent(out), | optional | :: | los_intersect | Indicator whether particle intersects a LOS in spec_chords |
subroutine track(rin, vin, tracks, ncell, los_intersect)
!+ Computes the path of a neutral through the [[libfida:beam_grid]]
real(Float64), dimension(3), intent(in) :: rin
!+ Initial position of particle
real(Float64), dimension(3), intent(in) :: vin
!+ Initial velocity of particle
type(ParticleTrack), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: tracks
!+ Array of [[ParticleTrack]] type
integer(Int32), intent(out) :: ncell
!+ Number of cells that a particle crosses
logical, intent(out), optional :: los_intersect
!+ Indicator whether particle intersects a LOS in [[libfida:spec_chords]]
integer :: cc, i, ii, mind
integer, dimension(3) :: ind
logical :: in_plasma1, in_plasma2, in_plasma_tmp, los_inter
real(Float64) :: dT, dt1, inv_50
real(Float64), dimension(3) :: dt_arr, dr
real(Float64), dimension(3) :: vn, inv_vn
real(Float64), dimension(3) :: ri, ri_tmp, ri_cell
integer, dimension(3) :: sgn
integer, dimension(3) :: gdims
integer, dimension(1) :: minpos
vn = vin ; ri = rin ; sgn = 0 ; ncell = 0
if(dot_product(vin,vin).eq.0.0) then
gdims(1) = beam_grid%nx
gdims(2) = beam_grid%ny
gdims(3) = beam_grid%nz
!! define actual cell
call get_indices(ri,ind)
ri_cell = [beam_grid%xc(ind(1)), &
beam_grid%yc(ind(2)), &
do i=1,3
if (vn(i).gt.0.0) sgn(i) = 1
if (vn(i).lt.0.0) sgn(i) =-1
if (vn(i).eq.0.0) vn(i) = 1.0d-3
dr = beam_grid%dr*sgn
inv_vn = 1/vn
inv_50 = 1.0/50.0
los_inter = .False.
tracks%time = 0.d0
tracks%flux = 0.d0
call in_plasma(ri,in_plasma1)
track_loop: do i=1,beam_grid%ntrack
if( exit track_loop
if((spec_chords%inter(ind(1),ind(2),ind(3)) &
los_inter = .True.
dt_arr = abs(( (ri_cell + 0.5*dr) - ri)*inv_vn)
minpos = minloc(dt_arr)
mind = minpos(1)
dT = dt_arr(mind)
ri_tmp = ri + dT*vn
call in_plasma(ri_tmp,in_plasma2)
if(in_plasma1.neqv.in_plasma2) then
dt1 = 0.0
track_fine: do ii=1,50
dt1 = dt1 + dT*inv_50
ri_tmp = ri + vn*dt1
call in_plasma(ri_tmp,in_plasma_tmp)
if(in_plasma2.eqv.in_plasma_tmp) exit track_fine
enddo track_fine
tracks(cc)%in_plasma = in_plasma2
tracks(cc+1)%in_plasma = .not.in_plasma2
tracks(cc+1)%pos = ri + 0.5*(dt1 + dT)*vn
tracks(cc)%pos = ri + 0.5*dt1*vn
tracks(cc+1)%pos = ri + 0.5*(dt1 + dT)*vn
tracks(cc)%time = dt1
tracks(cc+1)%time = dT - dt1
tracks(cc)%ind = ind
tracks(cc+1)%ind = ind
cc = cc + 2
tracks(cc)%in_plasma = in_plasma2
tracks(cc)%pos = ri + 0.5*dT*vn
tracks(cc)%time = dT
tracks(cc)%ind = ind
cc = cc + 1
in_plasma1 = in_plasma2
ri = ri + dT*vn
ind(mind) = ind(mind) + sgn(mind)
ri_cell(mind) = ri_cell(mind) + dr(mind)
if (ind(mind).gt.gdims(mind)) exit track_loop
if (ind(mind).lt.1) exit track_loop
enddo track_loop
ncell = cc-1
if(present(los_intersect)) then
los_intersect = los_inter
end subroutine track