Reads in a cross section table from file and puts it into a AtomicCrossSection type
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer(kind=HID_T), | intent(in) | :: | fid | HDF5 file ID |
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | grp | HDF5 group to read from |
type(AtomicCrossSection), | intent(inout) | :: | cross | Atomic cross section |
subroutine read_atomic_cross(fid, grp, cross)
!+ Reads in a cross section table from file
!+ and puts it into a [[AtomicCrossSection]] type
integer(HID_T), intent(in) :: fid
!+ HDF5 file ID
character(len=*), intent(in) :: grp
!+ HDF5 group to read from
type(AtomicCrossSection), intent(inout) :: cross
!+ Atomic cross section
integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(3) :: dim3
real(Float64) :: emin, emax, rmin
integer :: i, n_max, m_max, error
real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dummy3
logical :: path_valid
call h5ltpath_valid_f(fid, grp, .True., path_valid, error)
if(.not.path_valid) then
if( then
write(*,'(a,a)') 'READ_ATOMIC_CROSS: Unknown atomic interaction: ', trim(grp)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid, grp//"/nenergy", cross%nenergy, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid, grp//"/n_max", n_max, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(fid, grp//"/m_max", m_max, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_scalar_f(fid,grp//"/emin", emin, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_scalar_f(fid,grp//"/emax", emax, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_scalar_f(fid,grp//"/dlogE", cross%dlogE, error)
cross%logemin = log10(emin)
cross%logemax = log10(emax)
allocate(dummy3(n_max, m_max, cross%nenergy))
allocate(cross%log_cross(cross%m_max,cross%n_max, cross%nenergy))
dim3 = [n_max, m_max, cross%nenergy]
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(fid,grp//"/cx", dummy3, dim3, error)
rmin = minval(dummy3,
where (dummy3.le.0.0)
dummy3 = 0.9*rmin
end where
cross%minlog_cross = log10(rmin)
do i=1, cross%nenergy
cross%log_cross(:,:,i) = log10(transpose(dummy3(1:nlevs,1:nlevs,i)))
end subroutine read_atomic_cross