Calculates the surface of all possible trajectories
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(LocalEMFields), | intent(in) | :: | fields | Electromagnetic fields at guiding center |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in) | :: | energy | Energy of particle |
real(kind=Float64), | intent(in) | :: | pitch | Particle pitch w.r.t the magnetic field |
type(GyroSurface), | intent(out) | :: | gs | Gyro-surface |
subroutine gyro_surface(fields, energy, pitch, gs)
!+ Calculates the surface of all possible trajectories
type(LocalEMFields), intent(in) :: fields
!+ Electromagnetic fields at guiding center
real(Float64), intent(in) :: energy
!+ Energy of particle
real(Float64), intent(in) :: pitch
!+ Particle pitch w.r.t the magnetic field
type(GyroSurface), intent(out) :: gs
!+ Gyro-surface
integer :: i
real(Float64) :: alpha, vabs, omega
real(Float64), dimension(3,3) :: s
vabs = sqrt(energy/(v2_to_E_per_amu*inputs%ab))
omega= (fields%b_abs*e0)/(inputs%ab*mass_u)
alpha = vabs/omega
gs%omega = omega
gs%v = vabs
gs%axes(1) = alpha*sqrt(1-pitch**2)
gs%axes(2) = alpha*sqrt(1-pitch**2)
gs%axes(3) = pitch*alpha
s = 0.d0
s(1,1) = gs%axes(1)**(-2)
s(2,2) = gs%axes(2)**(-2)
s(3,3) = -gs%axes(3)**(-2)
gs%center = fields%pos
gs%basis(:,1) = fields%a_norm
gs%basis(:,2) = fields%c_norm
gs%basis(:,3) = fields%b_norm
gs%A = matmul(gs%basis,matmul(s,transpose(gs%basis)))
end subroutine gyro_surface