ParticleTrack Derived Type

type, public :: ParticleTrack

Stores properties seen when traveling through a 3D grid


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=Float64), public :: time =0.d0

Time/distance/... in cell

real(kind=Float64), public :: flux =0.d0

Flux/density/... in cell

integer(kind=Int32), public, dimension(3):: ind =0

Indices of cell

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(3):: pos =0.d0

Midpoint of track in cell [cm]

Source Code

type ParticleTrack
    !+ Stores properties seen when traveling through a 3D grid
    real(Float64) :: time = 0.d0
        !+ Time/distance/... in cell
    real(Float64) :: flux = 0.d0
        !+ Flux/density/... in cell
    integer(Int32), dimension(3) :: ind = 0
        !+ Indices of cell
    real(Float64), dimension(3)  :: pos = 0.d0
        !+ Midpoint of track in cell [cm]
end type ParticleTrack