NPAResults Derived Type

type, public :: NPAResults

MC NPA result structure


type~~nparesults~~InheritsGraph type~nparesults NPAResults type~npaparticle NPAParticle type~nparesults->type~npaparticle part


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer(kind=Int32), public :: nchan =0

Number of NPA channels

integer(kind=Int32), public :: npart =0

Number of particles that hit a detector

integer(kind=Int32), public :: nmax =1000000

Maximum allowed number of particles grows if necessary

integer(kind=Int32), public :: nenergy =122

Number of energy values

type(NPAParticle), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: part

Array of NPA particles

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: energy

Energy array [keV]

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: flux

Neutral particle flux: flux(energy,chan, orbit_type) [neutrals/(s*dE)]

Source Code

type NPAResults
    !+ MC NPA result structure
    integer(Int32) :: nchan = 0
        !+ Number of NPA channels
    integer(Int32) :: npart = 0
        !+ Number of particles that hit a detector
    integer(Int32) :: nmax = 1000000
        !+ Maximum allowed number of particles grows if necessary
    integer(Int32) :: nenergy = 122
        !+ Number of energy values
    type(NPAParticle), dimension(:), allocatable :: part
        !+ Array of NPA particles
    real(Float64), dimension(:), allocatable     :: energy
        !+ Energy array [keV]
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: flux
        !+ Neutral particle flux: flux(energy,chan, orbit_type) [neutrals/(s*dE)]
end type NPAResults