FIDAWeights Derived Type

type, public :: FIDAWeights

FIDA weights structure


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: mean_f

Estimate of mean fast-ion distribution function "seen" by LOS: mean_f(E,p,chan)

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable:: weight

FIDA weight function: weight(lambda,E,p,chan)

Source Code

type FIDAWeights
    !+ FIDA weights structure
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable   :: mean_f
        !+ Estimate of mean fast-ion distribution function "seen" by LOS: mean_f(E,p,chan)
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: weight
        !+ FIDA weight function: weight(lambda,E,p,chan)
end type FIDAWeights