BirthProfile Derived Type

type, public :: BirthProfile

Birth profile structure


type~~birthprofile~~InheritsGraph type~birthprofile BirthProfile type~birthparticle BirthParticle type~birthprofile->type~birthparticle part


Source Code


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer, public :: cnt =1

Particle counter

type(BirthParticle), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: part

Array of birth particles

real(kind=Float64), public, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable:: dens

Birth density: dens(neutral_type,x,y,z) [fast-ions/(s*cm^3)]

Source Code

type BirthProfile
    !+ Birth profile structure
    integer :: cnt = 1
        !+ Particle counter
    type(BirthParticle), dimension(:), allocatable :: part
        !+ Array of birth particles
    real(Float64), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: dens
        !+ Birth density: dens(neutral_type,x,y,z) [fast-ions/(s*cm^3)]
end type BirthProfile