Reads a JSON file that can have YAML like comments
file: JSON file
Structure containg JSON values
IDL> json_struct = read_json("./file.json")
FUNCTION tokenize,str,regex ;;; Splits string into tokens according to regex ;;; json=str group=[] start=[] finish=[] cnt=0 while stregex(json,regex,/BOOLEAN) do begin pos=stregex(json,regex,length=len) tmp=strmid(json,pos,len) group=[group,tmp] if cnt eq 0 then begin start=[start,pos] finish=[finish,pos+len] endif else begin start=[start,finish[cnt-1]+pos] finish=[finish,finish[cnt-1]+pos+len] endelse json=strmid(json,pos+len,strlen(json)) cnt+=1 endwhile return,{group:group,start:start,finish:finish} END FUNCTION json_minify,str ;;; Strips out C like comments out of JSON string ;;; ;;; Based of JSON.minify ;;; regex='"|(#=)|(=#)|(#)|'+string(10b)+'|'+string(13b) slashes='(\\)*$' in_string = 0 in_multi = 0 in_single = 0 new_str='' index=0 tokenizer=tokenize(str,regex) for i=0,n_elements( do begin if not (in_multi or in_single) then begin tmp=strmid(str,index,tokenizer.start[i]-index) if not in_string then begin tmp=strcompress(tmp,/remove_all) tmp=strjoin(strsplit(tmp,string(10b),/extract,/regex),'') tmp=strjoin(strsplit(tmp,string(13b),/extract,/regex),'') endif new_str+=tmp endif index=tokenizer.finish[i][i] if val eq '"' and not (in_multi or in_single) then begin escaped = stregex(strmid(str,0,tokenizer.start[i]),slashes,/EXTRACT) if not in_string or (escaped eq '' or strlen(escaped) mod 2 eq 0) then in_string = not in_string index-=1 endif else if not (in_string or in_multi or in_single) then begin if val eq '#=' then in_multi = 1 else if val eq '#' then in_single=1 endif else if val eq '=#' and in_multi and not (in_string or in_single) then begin in_multi=0 endif else if (stregex(val,string(10b),/boolean) or stregex(val,string(13b),/boolean)) $ and not (in_multi or in_string) and in_single then begin in_single=0 endif else if not ((in_multi or in_single) or $ (stregex(val,string(10b),/boolean) or $ stregex(val,string(13b),/boolean) or $ stregex(val,string(9b),/boolean) or $ stregex(val,string(32b),/boolean) )) then begin new_str+=val endif endfor new_str+=strmid(str,index,strlen(str)-index) return,new_str END FUNCTION read_json, file ;+#read_json ;+ Reads a JSON file that can have YAML like comments ;+*** ;+##Arguments ;+ **file**: JSON file ;+ ;+##Return Value ;+Structure containg JSON values ;+ ;+##Example Usage ;+```idl ;+IDL> json_struct = read_json("./file.json") ;+``` openr,lun,file,/GET_LUN json='' tmp='' while not EOF(lun) do begin readf,lun,tmp json+=tmp json+=string(10b) endwhile free_lun,lun stripped_json=json_minify(json) return,json_parse(stripped_json,/toarray,/tostruct) END