Source File


This file contains the source code for PREFIDA


Check dict dec is formatted according to schema

Input Arguments

schema: dict schema

dic: dict to check

Output Arguments

err: error code

Keyword Arguments

desc: description of dict dic

Example usage

>>> dic = {'a':0, 'b':[1.d0,2.d0], 'c':"example"}
>>> schema = {'a':{'dims':0,'type':[int]}, 'b':{'dims':[2],'type':[float, np.float64]}, 'c':{'dims':0,'type':[str]}  }

>>> err = check_dict_schema(schema, dic, desc="Example dict")
>>> print(err)


Checks if input dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: input dictionary

Output Arguments

inputs: Updated inputs dictionary

Example Usage

>>> inputs = check_inputs(inputs)


Checks if interpolation grid structure is valid

Input Arguments

grid: Interpolation grid structure

Example Usage

>>> check_grid(grid)


Checks if neutral beam geometry dictionary is valid. Converts lists to numpy ndarrays

Input Arguments

inputs: input dictionary

nbi: neutral beam geometry dictionary

Output Arguments

nbi: Updated nbi dictionary

Example Usage

>>> nbi = check_beam(inputs, nbi)


Checks if plasma paramters dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: Input dictionary

grid: Interpolation grid dictionary

plasma: Plasma parameters dictionary

Output Arguments

plasma: Updated plasma dictionary

Example Usage

>>> plasma = check_plasma(inputs, grid, plasma)


Checks if electromagnetic fields dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: Input dictionary

grid: Interpolation grid dictionary

fields: Electromagnetic fields dictionary

Output Arguments

fields: Updated fields dictionary

Example Usage

>>> fields = check_fields(inputs, grid, fields)


Checks if distribution dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: Input dictionary

grid: Interpolation grid dictionary

dist: Fast-ion distribution dictionary

Output Arguments

dist: Updated dist dictionary

Example Usage

>>> dist = check_distribution(inputs, grid, dist)


Check if spectral geometry dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: input dictionary

chords: spectral geometry dictionary

Example Usage

>>> check_spec(inputs, chords)


Checks if NPA geometry dictionary is valid

Input Arguments

inputs: input dictionary

npa: NPA geometry dictionary

Example Usage

>>> check_npa(inputs, npa)


Writes namelist file

Input Arguments

filename: Name of the namelist file

inputs: Input dictionary

Example Usage

>>> write_namelist(filename, inputs)


Write geometry values to a HDF5 file

Input Arguments

filename: Name of the geometry file

nbi: NBI geometry structure

Keyword Arguments

spec: Optional, Spectral geometry structure

npa: Optional, NPA geometry structure

Example Usage

>>> write_geometry(filename, nbi, spec=spec, npa=npa)


Write MHD equilibrium values to a HDF5 file

Input Arguments

filename: Name of the equilibrium file

plasma: Plasma dictionary

fields: Electromagnetic fields dictionary

Example Usage

>>> write_equilibrium(filename, plasma, fields)


Write fast-ion distribution to a HDF5 file

Input Arguments

filename: Name of the distribution file

dist: Fast-ion distribution distionary

Example Usage

>>> write_distribution(filename, distri)


Checks FIDASIM inputs and writes FIDASIM input files

Input Arguments

inputs: Inputs structure

grid: Interpolation grid structure

nbi: Neutral beam geometry structure

plasma: Plasma parameters structure

fields: Electromagnetic fields structure

fbm: Fast-ion distribution structure

Keyword Arguments

spec: Optional, Spectral geometry structure

npa: Optional, NPA geometry structure

Example Usage

>>> prefida(inputs, grid, nbi, plasma, fields, fbm, spec=spec, npa=npa)


Source Code

Source Code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#+#PREFIDA Source
#+ This file contains the source code for PREFIDA
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import datetime
import h5py

from fidasim.utils import *

def check_dict_schema(schema, dic, desc=None):
    #+ Check dict `dec` is formatted according to `schema`
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **schema**: dict schema
    #+     **dic**: dict to check
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **err**: error code
    #+##Keyword Arguments
    #+     **desc**: description of dict `dic`
    #+##Example usage
    #+>>> dic = {'a':0, 'b':[1.d0,2.d0], 'c':"example"}
    #+>>> schema = {'a':{'dims':0,'type':[int]}, 'b':{'dims':[2],'type':[float, np.float64]}, 'c':{'dims':0,'type':[str]}  }
    #+>>> err = check_dict_schema(schema, dic, desc="Example dict")
    #+>>> print(err)
    #+    False
    if desc is None:
        desc = 'dict'

    err = False
    schema_keys = list(schema.keys())
    dic_keys = list(dic.keys())

    # Note extra variables
    for key in dic_keys:
        if key not in schema_keys:
            info('Extra variable "{}" found in "{}"'.format(key, desc))

    for key in schema_keys:
        # Note missing data
        if key not in dic_keys:
            error('"{}" is missing from "{}"'.format(key, desc))
            err = True
            # Check type
            if (schema[key]['dims'] == 0):
                if not isinstance(dic[key], tuple(schema[key]['type'])):
                    error('"{}" has the wrong type of {}. Expected {}'.format(key, type(dic[key]), schema[key]['type']))
                    err = True
            elif dic[key].dtype.type not in schema[key]['type']:
                error('"{}" has the wrong type of {}. Expected {}'.format(key, dic[key].dtype.type, schema[key]['type']))
                err = True

            # Check for NaNs or Inf
            if (not isinstance(dic[key], (str, dict, float, int))) and (np.bytes_ not in schema[key]['type']):
                if (dic[key][np.isnan(dic[key])].size > 0) or (dic[key][np.isinf(dic[key])].size > 0):
                    error('NaN or Infinity detected in "{}"'.format(key))
                    err = True

                # Check shape
                if not np.array_equal(dic[key].shape, schema[key]['dims']):
                    error('"{}" has the wrong shape of {}. Expected ({})'.format(key, dic[key].shape, schema[key]['dims']))
                    print('ndim({}) = {}'.format(key, dic[key].ndim))
                    err = True

            # Check shape
            if isinstance(dic[key], (str, int, float)):
                if (schema[key]['dims'] != 0) and (schema[key]['dims'] != [0]):
                    error('"{}" has the wrong shape. Expected ({})'.format(key, schema[key]['dims']))
                    err = True

    return err

def check_inputs(inputs):
    #+Checks if input dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: input dictionary
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: Updated inputs dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> inputs = check_inputs(inputs)
    info('Checking simulation settings...')
    err = False

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    zero_long = {'dims': 0,
                 'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [float, np.float64]}

    three_double = {'dims': [3],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]}

    schema = {'comment': zero_string,
              'shot': zero_long,
              'time': zero_double,
              'runid': zero_string,
              'device': zero_string,
              'tables_file': zero_string,
              'result_dir': zero_string,
              'nlambda': zero_int,
              'lambdamin': zero_double,
              'lambdamax': zero_double,
              'nx': zero_int,
              'ny': zero_int,
              'nz': zero_int,
              'alpha': zero_double,
              'beta': zero_double,
              'gamma': zero_double,
              'origin': three_double,
              'xmin': zero_double,
              'xmax': zero_double,
              'ymin': zero_double,
              'ymax': zero_double,
              'zmin': zero_double,
              'zmax': zero_double,
              'ab': zero_double,
              'ai': zero_double,
              'current_fractions': three_double,
              'pinj': zero_double,
              'einj': zero_double,
              'impurity_charge': zero_int,
              'n_fida': zero_long,
              'n_nbi': zero_long,
              'n_pfida': zero_long,
              'n_pnpa': zero_long,
              'n_dcx': zero_long,
              'n_npa': zero_long,
              'n_halo': zero_long,
              'n_birth': zero_long,
              'ne_wght': zero_int,
              'np_wght': zero_int,
              'nphi_wght': zero_int,
              'emax_wght': zero_double,
              'nlambda_wght': zero_int,
              'lambdamin_wght': zero_double,
              'lambdamax_wght': zero_double,
              'calc_npa': zero_int,
              'calc_fida': zero_int,
              'calc_pnpa': zero_int,
              'calc_pfida': zero_int,
              'calc_bes': zero_int,
              'calc_dcx': zero_int,
              'calc_halo': zero_int,
              'calc_cold': zero_int,
              'calc_brems': zero_int,
              'calc_birth': zero_int,
              'calc_fida_wght': zero_int,
              'calc_npa_wght': zero_int,
              'calc_neutron': zero_int}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, inputs, desc="simulation settings")
    if err:
        error('Invalid simulation settings. Exiting...', halt=True)

    # Normalize File Paths
    inputs['result_dir'] = os.path.abspath(inputs['result_dir'])

    if (inputs['alpha'] > 2. * np.pi) or (inputs['beta'] > 2. * np.pi) or (inputs['gamma'] > 2. * np.pi):
        error('Angles must be in radians')
        err = True

    if inputs['lambdamin'] >= inputs['lambdamax']:
        error('Invalid wavelength range. Expected lambdamin < lamdbdamax')
        err = True

    if inputs['lambdamin_wght'] >= inputs['lambdamax_wght']:
        error('Invalid wavelength range. Expected lambdamin_wght < lamdbdamax_wght')
        err = True

    if inputs['xmin'] >= inputs['xmax']:
        error('Invalid x range. Expected xmin < xmax')
        err = True

    if inputs['ymin'] >= inputs['ymax']:
        error('Invalid y range. Expected ymin < ymax')
        err = True

    if inputs['zmin'] >= inputs['zmax']:
        error('Invalid z range. Expected zmin < zmax')
        err = True

    if (inputs['pinj'] <= 0.) or (inputs['einj'] <= 0.0):
        error('The selected source is not on')
        print('einj = {}'.format(inputs['einj']))
        print('pinj = {}'.format(inputs['pinj']))
        err = True

    if np.abs(np.sum(inputs['current_fractions']) - 1.0) > 1e-3:
        error('current_fractions do not sum to 1.0')
        print('sum(current_fractions) = {}'.format(np.sum(inputs['current_fractions'])))
        err = True

    if inputs['impurity_charge'] <= 1:
        error('Invalid impurity charge. Expected impurity charge > 1')
        err = True

    ps = os.path.sep
    input_file = inputs['result_dir'] + ps + inputs['runid'] + '_inputs.dat'
    equilibrium_file = inputs['result_dir'] + ps + inputs['runid'] + '_equilibrium.h5'
    geometry_file = inputs['result_dir'] + ps + inputs['runid'] + '_geometry.h5'
    distribution_file = inputs['result_dir'] + ps + inputs['runid'] + '_distribution.h5'
    neutrals_file = inputs['result_dir'] + ps + inputs['runid'] + '_neutrals.h5'

    inputs['input_file'] = input_file
    inputs['equilibrium_file'] = equilibrium_file
    inputs['geometry_file'] = geometry_file
    inputs['distribution_file'] = distribution_file
    inputs['load_neutrals'] = 0
    inputs['flr'] = 2
    inputs['seed'] = -1
    inputs['verbose'] = 1
    inputs['neutrals_file'] = neutrals_file

    if err:
        error('Invalid simulation settings. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Simulation settings are valid')

    return inputs

def check_grid(grid):
    #+Checks if interpolation grid structure is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **grid**: Interpolation grid structure
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> check_grid(grid)
    err = False
    info('Checking interpolation grid...')

    if 'nr' not in grid:
        error('"nr" is missing from the interpolation grid')
        error('Invalid interpolation grid. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if 'nz' not in grid:
        error('"nz" is missing from the interpolation grid')
        error('Invalid interpolation grid. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if 'nphi' not in grid:
        info('"nphi" is missing from the interpolation grid, assuming axisymmetry')
        nphi =1
        nphi = grid['nphi']

    nr = grid['nr']
    nz = grid['nz']

    zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    nrnz_doub = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                 'type': [float, np.float64]}

    schema = {'nr': zero_int,
              'nz': zero_int,
              'nphi': zero_int,
              'r2d': nrnz_doub,
              'z2d': nrnz_doub,
              'r': {'dims': [nr],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]},
              'z': {'dims': [nz],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]},
              'phi': {'dims': [nphi],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]}}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, grid, desc="interpolation grid")
    if err:
        error('Invalid interpolation grid. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if not np.array_equal(grid['r'], np.sort(grid['r'])):
        error('r is not in ascending order')
        err = True

    if not np.array_equal(grid['z'], np.sort(grid['z'])):
        error('z is not in ascending order')
        err = True

    if not np.array_equal(grid['r'], grid['r2d'][:, 0]):
        error('r2d is defined incorrectly. Expected r == r2d[:, 0]')
        err = True

    if not np.array_equal(grid['z'], grid['z2d'][0, :]):
        error('z2d is defined incorrectly. Expected z == z2d[0, :]')
        err = True

    if err:
        error('Invalid interpolation grid. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Interpolation grid is valid')

def check_beam(inputs, nbi):
    #+Checks if neutral beam geometry dictionary is valid. Converts lists to numpy ndarrays
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: input dictionary
    #+     **nbi**: neutral beam geometry dictionary
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **nbi**: Updated nbi dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> nbi = check_beam(inputs, nbi)
    err = False
    info('Checking beam geometry...')

    na = nbi['naperture']

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [float, np.float64]}

    three_double = {'dims': [3],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]}

    na_double = {'dims': [na],
                 'type': [float, np.float64]}

    na_int = {'dims': [na],
              'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    schema = {'data_source': zero_string,
              'name': zero_string,
              'shape': zero_int,
              'src': three_double,
              'axis': three_double,
              'divy': three_double,
              'divz': three_double,
              'focy': zero_double,
              'focz': zero_double,
              'widz': zero_double,
              'widy': zero_double}

    # Add to schema if aperatures are present
    if nbi['naperture'] > 0:
        schema['naperture'] = zero_int
        schema['ashape'] = na_int
        schema['awidy'] = na_double
        schema['awidz'] = na_double
        schema['aoffy'] = na_double
        schema['aoffz'] = na_double
        schema['adist'] = na_double

        # Convert to np arrays for indexing
        nbi['ashape'] = np.array(nbi['ashape'], dtype=int, ndmin=1)
        nbi['awidy'] = np.array(nbi['awidy'], dtype=float, ndmin=1)
        nbi['awidz'] = np.array(nbi['awidz'], dtype=float, ndmin=1)
        nbi['aoffy'] = np.array(nbi['aoffy'], dtype=float, ndmin=1)
        nbi['aoffz'] = np.array(nbi['aoffz'], dtype=float, ndmin=1)
        nbi['adist'] = np.array(nbi['adist'], dtype=float, ndmin=1)

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, nbi, desc="beam geometry")
    if err:
        error('Invalid beam geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if np.abs(np.sum(nbi['axis'] ** 2.) - 1.) > 1e-5:
        error('Invalid source axis. Expected norm(axis) == 1')
        err = True

    if nbi['focz'] <= 0.0:
        error('focz cannot be in the range (-Inf,0.0]')
        err = True

    if nbi['focy'] <= 0.0:
        error('focy cannot be in the range (-Inf,0.0]')
        err = True

    if nbi['shape'] not in [1, 2]:
        error('Invalid source shape. Expected 1 (rectagular) or 2 (circular)')
        err = True

    if nbi['widz'] < 0.:
        error('Invalid widz. Expected widz > 0')
        err = True

    if nbi['widy'] < 0:
        error('Invalid widy. Expected widy > 0')
        err = True

    if nbi['naperture'] > 0:
        if nbi['ashape'] not in [1, 2]:
            error('Invalid aperture shape. Expected 1 (rectangular) or 2 (circular)')
            err = True

        w = nbi['awidy'] < 0
        nw = len(nbi['awidy'][w])
        if nw > 0:
            error('Invalid awidy. Expected awidy >= 0.0')
            err = True

        w = nbi['awidz'] < 0
        nw = len(nbi['awidz'][w])
        if nw > 0:
            error('Invalid awidz. Expected awidz >= 0.0')
            err = True

    # Machine coordinates
    origin = inputs['origin']
    uvw_src = nbi['src']
    uvw_axis = nbi['axis']
    if nbi['naperture'] == 0:
        uvw_pos = uvw_src + 100 * uvw_axis
        uvw_pos = uvw_src + nbi['adist'][0]

    # Convert to beam coordinates
    xyz_src = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], uvw_src, origin=origin)
    xyz_axis = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], uvw_axis)
    xyz_pos = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], uvw_pos, origin=origin)
    xyz_center = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], [0., 0., 0.], origin=origin)

    dis = np.sqrt(np.sum((xyz_src - xyz_pos) ** 2.))
    alpha = np.arctan2((xyz_pos[1] - xyz_src[1]), (xyz_pos[0] - xyz_src[0]))
    beta = np.arcsin((xyz_src[2] - xyz_pos[2]) / dis)

    print('Machine center in beam grid coordinates')
    print('Beam injection start point in machine coordinates')
    print('Beam injection start point in beam grid coordinates')

    if nbi['naperture'] != 0:
        print('First aperture position in machine coordinates')
        print('First aperture position in beam grid coordinates')
        print('Position of point 100cm along beam centerline in machine coordinates')
        print('Position of point 100cm along beam centerline in beam grid coordinates')

    print('Beam grid rotation angles that would align it with the beam centerline')
    print('alpha = {} deg.'.format(alpha / np.pi * 180.))
    print('beta = {} deg.'.format(beta / np.pi * 180.))

    # Calculate grid center rc and sides length dr
    dr = np.array([inputs['xmax'] - inputs['xmin'], inputs['ymax'] - inputs['ymin'], inputs['zmax'] - inputs['zmin']], dtype=np.float64)
    rc = np.array([inputs['xmin'], inputs['ymin'], inputs['zmin']], dtype=np.float64) + 0.5 * dr

    # Check if beam centerline intersects beam grid
    length, r_enter, r_exit = aabb_intersect(rc, dr, xyz_src, xyz_axis)

    print('Beam centerline - grid intersection length')
    if length <= 10.0:
        error('Beam centerline does not intersect grid')
        err = True

    if err:
        error('Invalid beam geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Beam geometry is valid')

    return nbi

def check_plasma(inputs, grid, plasma):
    #+Checks if plasma paramters dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: Input dictionary
    #+     **grid**: Interpolation grid dictionary
    #+     **plasma**: Plasma parameters dictionary
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **plasma**: Updated plasma dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> plasma = check_plasma(inputs, grid, plasma)
    err = False
    info('Checking plasma parameters...')

    nr = grid['nr']
    nz = grid['nz']
    if 'nphi' not in grid:
        info('"nphi" is missing from the plasma, assuming axisymmetry')
        nphi =1
        nphi = grid['nphi']

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [float, np.float64]}

    if nphi>1:
        nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz, nphi],
                           'type': [float, np.float64, np.float64]}

        nrnznphi_int = {'dims': [nr, nz, nphi],
                        'type': [np.int64]}
        nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                           'type': [float, np.float64]}

        nrnznphi_int = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                        'type': [np.int64]}

    schema = {'time': zero_double,
              'vr': nrnznphi_double,
              'vt': nrnznphi_double,
              'vz': nrnznphi_double,
              'dene': nrnznphi_double,
              'denn': nrnznphi_double,
              'ti': nrnznphi_double,
              'te': nrnznphi_double,
              'zeff': nrnznphi_double,
              'mask': nrnznphi_int,
              'data_source': zero_string}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, plasma, desc="plasma parameters")
    if err:
        error('Invalid plasma parameters. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if plasma['data_source'] == '':
        error('Invalid data source. An empty string is not a data source.')
        err = True

    # Electron density
    w = (plasma['dene'] < 0.)
    plasma['dene'][w] = 0.

    # Zeff
    w = (plasma['zeff'] < 1.)
    plasma['zeff'][w] = 1.

    # Electron temperature
    w = (plasma['te'] < 0.)
    plasma['te'][w] = 0.

    # Ion temperature
    w = (plasma['ti'] < 0.)
    plasma['ti'][w] = 0.

    if (np.abs(plasma['time'] - inputs['time']) > 0.02):
        warn('Plasma time and input time do not match')
        print('Input time: ', inputs['time'])
        print('Plasma time: ', plasma['time'])

    # Add grid elements to plasma dict

    if err:
        error('Invalid plasma parameters. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Plasma parameters are valid')

    return plasma

def check_fields(inputs, grid, fields):
    #+Checks if electromagnetic fields dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: Input dictionary
    #+     **grid**: Interpolation grid dictionary
    #+     **fields**: Electromagnetic fields dictionary
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **fields**: Updated fields dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> fields = check_fields(inputs, grid, fields)
    err = False
    info('Checking electromagnetic fields...')

    nr = grid['nr']
    nz = grid['nz']
    if 'nphi' not in grid:
        info('"nphi" is missing from the fields, assuming axisymmetry')
        nphi =1
        nphi = grid['nphi']

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [float, np.float64]}

    if nphi>1:
        nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz, nphi],
                           'type': [float, np.float64, np.float64]}

        nrnznphi_int = {'dims': [nr, nz, nphi],
                        'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}
        nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                           'type': [float, np.float64]}

        nrnznphi_int = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                        'type': [int, np.int32]}

    schema = {'time': zero_double,
              'br': nrnznphi_double,
              'bt': nrnznphi_double,
              'bz': nrnznphi_double,
              'er': nrnznphi_double,
              'et': nrnznphi_double,
              'ez': nrnznphi_double,
              'mask': nrnznphi_int,
              'data_source': zero_string}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, fields, desc="electromagnetic fields")
    if err:
        error('Invalid electromagnetic fields. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if fields['data_source'] == '':
        error('Invalid data source. An empty string is not a data source.')
        err = True

    if np.abs(fields['time'] - inputs['time']) > 0.02:
        warn('Electromagnetic fields time and input time do not match')
        print('Input time: {}'.format(inputs['time']))
        print('Electromagnetic fields time: {}'.format(fields['time']))

    # Add grid elements to fields dict

    if err:
        error('Invalid electromagnetic fields. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Electromagnetic fields are valid')

    return fields

def check_distribution(inputs, grid, dist):
    #+Checks if distribution dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: Input dictionary
    #+     **grid**: Interpolation grid dictionary
    #+     **dist**: Fast-ion distribution dictionary
    #+##Output Arguments
    #+     **dist**: Updated dist dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> dist = check_distribution(inputs, grid, dist)
    err = False
    info('Checking fast-ion distribution...')

    dist_keys = list(dist.keys())

    if 'type' not in dist_keys:
        error('"type" is missing from the fast-ion distribution')
        error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

    dist_type = dist['type']

    if dist_type == 1:
        print('Using a Guiding Center Fast-ion Density Function')
        if 'nenergy' not in dist_keys:
            error('"nenergy" is missing from the fast-ion distribution')
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        if 'npitch' not in dist_keys:
            error('"npitch" is missing from the fast-ion distribution')
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        npitch = dist['npitch']
        nen = dist['nenergy']
        nr = grid['nr']
        nz = grid['nz']
        if 'nphi' not in grid:
            info('"nphi" is missing from the fast-ion distribution, assuming axisymmetry')
            nphi =1
            nphi = grid['nphi']

        zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                       'type': [str]}

        zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                    'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                       'type': [float, np.float64]}

        if nphi>1:
            nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz, nphi],
                               'type': [float, np.float64, np.float64]}
            nrnznphi_double = {'dims': [nr, nz],
                               'type': [float, np.float64]}

        schema = {'type': zero_int,
                  'nenergy': zero_int,
                  'npitch': zero_int,
                  'energy': {'dims': [nen],
                             'type': [float, np.float64]},
                  'pitch': {'dims': [npitch],
                            'type': [float, np.float64]},
                  'denf': nrnznphi_double,
                  'time': zero_double,
                  'data_source': zero_string}
        if nphi>1:
            schema['f'] = {'dims': [nen, npitch, nr, nz, nphi],
                           'type': [float, np.float64]}
            schema['f'] = {'dims': [nen, npitch, nr, nz],
                           'type': [float, np.float64]}

        err = check_dict_schema(schema, dist, desc="fast-ion distribution")
        if err:
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        # Add grid elements to plasma dict

    elif dist_type == 2:
        print('Using Guiding Center Monte Carlo fast-ion distribution')
        if 'nparticle' not in dist_keys:
            error('"nparticle" is missing from the fast-ion distribution')
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        npart = dist['nparticle']

        zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                    'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        zero_long = {'dims': 0,
                     'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                       'type': [str]}

        zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                       'type':[float,  np.float64]}

        npart_double = {'dims': [npart],
                        'type': [float, np.float64]}

        npart_int = {'dims': [npart],
                     'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        schema = {'type': zero_int,
                  'nparticle': zero_long,
                  'nclass': zero_int,
                  'time': zero_double,
                  'energy': npart_double,
                  'pitch': npart_double,
                  'r': npart_double,
                  'z': npart_double,
                  'weight': npart_double,
                  'class': npart_int,
                  'data_source': zero_string}

        err = check_dict_schema(schema, dist, desc="fast-ion distribution")
        if err:
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        print('Number of MC particles: {}'.format(npart))

    elif dist_type == 3:
        print('Using Full Orbit Monte Carlo fast-ion distribution')
        if 'nparticle' not in dist_keys:
            error('"nparticle" is missing from the fast-ion distribution')
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        npart = dist['nparticle']

        zero_int = {'dims': 0,
                    'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        zero_long = {'dims': 0,
                     'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                       'type': [str]}

        zero_double = {'dims': 0,
                       'type': [float, np.float64]}

        npart_double = {'dims': [npart],
                        'type': [float, np.float64]}

        npart_int = {'dims': [npart],
                     'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

        schema = {'type': zero_int,
                  'nparticle': zero_long,
                  'nclass': zero_int,
                  'time': zero_double,
                  'vr': npart_double,
                  'vt': npart_double,
                  'vz': npart_double,
                  'r': npart_double,
                  'z': npart_double,
                  'weight': npart_double,
                  'class': npart_int,
                  'data_source': zero_string}

        err = check_dict_schema(schema, dist, desc="fast-ion distribution")
        if err:
            error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

        print('Number of MC particles: {}'.format(npart))
        error('Invalid distribution type. Expected ' +
              '1 (Guiding Center Density Function), ' +
              '2 (Guiding Center Monte Carlo), or ' +
              '3 (Full Orbit Monte Carlo)')
        error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)

    if dist['data_source'] == '':
        error('Invalid data source. An empty string is not a data source.')
        err = True

    if np.abs(dist['time'] - inputs['time']) > 0.02:
        warn('Distribution time and input time do not match')
        print('Input time: {}'.format(inputs['time']))
        print('Distribution time: {}'.format(dist['time']))

    if err:
        error('Invalid fast-ion distribution. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('Fast-ion distribution is valid')

    return dist

def check_spec(inputs, chords):
    #+Check if spectral geometry dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: input dictionary
    #+     **chords**: spectral geometry dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> check_spec(inputs, chords)
    err = False
    info('Checking FIDA/BES inputs...')

    chords_keys = list(chords.keys())

    if 'nchan' not in chords_keys:
        error('"nchan" is missing from the FIDA/BES geometry')
        err = True
        error('Invalid FIDA/BES geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)

    nchan = chords['nchan']

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_long = {'dims': 0,
                 'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    nchan_double = {'dims': [nchan],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]}

    nchan_string = {'dims': [nchan],
                    'type': [np.bytes_, str]}

    three_nchan_float = {'dims': [3, nchan],
                         'type': [float, np.float64]}

    schema = {'data_source': zero_string,
              'nchan': zero_long,
              'system': zero_string,
              'id': nchan_string,
              'lens': three_nchan_float,
              'axis': three_nchan_float,
              'sigma_pi': nchan_double,
              'spot_size': nchan_double,
              'radius': nchan_double}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, chords, desc="FIDA/BES geometry")
    if err:
        error('Invalid FIDA/BES geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)

    cross_arr = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=int)
    uvw_lens = chords['lens']
    uvw_axis = chords['axis']

    xyz_lens = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], uvw_lens, origin=inputs['origin'])
    xyz_axis = uvw_to_xyz(inputs['alpha'], inputs['beta'], inputs['gamma'], uvw_axis)

    # Calculate grid center rc and sides length dr
    dr = np.array([inputs['xmax'] - inputs['xmin'], inputs['ymax'] - inputs['ymin'], inputs['zmax'] - inputs['zmin']], dtype=float)
    rc = np.array([inputs['xmin'], inputs['ymin'], inputs['zmin']], dtype=float) + 0.5 * dr

    for i in range(nchan):
        if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(uvw_axis[:, i]), 1, rtol=1e-03):
            error('Invalid optical axis for chord "' + str(chords['id'][i]) + '". Expected norm(axis) == 1')
            print(np.sum(uvw_axis[:, i] ** 2.))

        # Check if viewing chord intersects beam grid
        length, r_enter, r_exit = aabb_intersect(rc, dr, xyz_lens[:, i], xyz_axis[:, i])
        if length <= 0.0:
            cross_arr[i] = 1

    wbad = (cross_arr == 1)
    nbad = cross_arr[wbad].size
    if nbad > 0:
        warn('The following {} chords do not cross the beam grid:'.format(nbad))
        warn('Chord ID: {}'.format(chords['id'][wbad]))

    wgood = (cross_arr == 0)
    ngood = cross_arr[wgood].size
    print('{} out of {} chords crossed the beam grid'.format(ngood, nchan))
    if ngood == 0:
        error('No channels intersect the beam grid')
        err = True

    if err:
        error('Invalid FIDA/BES geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('FIDA/BES geometry is valid')

def check_npa(inp, npa):
    #+Checks if NPA geometry dictionary is valid
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: input dictionary
    #+     **npa**: NPA geometry dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> check_npa(inputs, npa)
    err = False
    info('Checking NPA geometry...')

    npa_keys = npa.keys()

    if 'nchan' not in npa_keys:
        error('"nchan" is missing from the NPA geometry')
        err = True
        error('Invalid NPA geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)

    nchan = npa['nchan']

    zero_string = {'dims': 0,
                   'type': [str]}

    zero_long = {'dims': 0,
                 'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    three_float = {'dims': [3, nchan],
                   'type': [float, np.float64]}

    nchan_int = {'dims': [nchan],
                 'type': [int, np.int32, np.int64]}

    nchan_float = {'dims': [nchan],
                    'type': [float, np.float64]}

    nchan_string = {'dims': [nchan],
                    'type': [np.bytes_]}

    schema = {'data_source': zero_string,
              'nchan': zero_long,
              'system': zero_string,
              'id': nchan_string,
              'a_shape': nchan_int,
              'd_shape': nchan_int,
              'a_tedge': three_float,
              'a_redge': three_float,
              'a_cent': three_float,
              'd_tedge': three_float,
              'd_redge': three_float,
              'd_cent': three_float,
              'radius': nchan_float}

    err = check_dict_schema(schema, npa, desc="NPA geometry")
    if err:
        error('Invalid NPA geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)

    # Check detector/aperture shape
    w = np.logical_or(npa['d_shape'] > 2, npa['d_shape'] == 0)
    nw = len(npa['d_shape'][w])
    if nw != 0:
        error('Invalid detector shape. Expected 1 (rectagular) or 2 (circular)')
        print('Invalid indices: {}'.format(np.arange(len(npa['d_shape']))[w]))
        err = True

    w = np.logical_or(npa['a_shape'] > 2, npa['a_shape'] == 0)
    nw = len(npa['a_shape'][w])
    if nw != 0:
        error('Invalid aperture shape. Expected 1 (rectagular) or 2 (circular)')
        print('Invalid indices: {}'.format(np.arange(len(npa['a_shape']))[w]))
        err = True

    # Calculate grid center rc and sides length dr
    dr = np.array([inp['xmax'] - inp['xmin'], inp['ymax'] - inp['ymin'], inp['zmax'] - inp['zmin']])
    rc = np.array([inp['xmin'], inp['ymin'], inp['zmin']]) + 0.5 * dr
    err_arr = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=int)
    for i in range(nchan):
        uvw_det = npa['d_cent'][:, i]
        d_e1 = npa['d_redge'][:, i] - uvw_det
        d_e2 = npa['d_tedge'][:, i] - uvw_det

        uvw_aper = npa['a_cent'][:, i]
        a_e1 = npa['a_redge'][:, i] - uvw_aper
        a_e2 = npa['a_tedge'][:, i] - uvw_aper

        uvw_dir = uvw_aper - uvw_det

        #Rotate chords into beam grid coordinates
        xyz_aper = uvw_to_xyz(inp['alpha'], inp['beta'], inp['gamma'], uvw_aper, origin=inp['origin'])
        xyz_det = uvw_to_xyz(inp['alpha'], inp['beta'], inp['gamma'], uvw_det, origin=inp['origin'])
        xyz_dir = xyz_aper - xyz_det
        xyz_dir = xyz_dir / np.sqrt(np.sum(xyz_dir * xyz_dir))

        # Check if npa chord intersects beam grid
        length, r_enter, r_exit = aabb_intersect(rc, dr, xyz_det, xyz_dir)
        if length <= 0.:
            err_arr[i] = 1

        # Check if NPA detector is pointing in the right direction
        d_enter = np.sqrt(np.sum((r_enter - xyz_aper)**2))
        d_exit = np.sqrt(np.sum((r_exit - xyz_aper)**2))
        if d_exit < d_enter:
            err_arr[i] = 1

        # Check that the detector and aperture point in the same direction
        d_e3 = np.cross(d_e1, d_e2)
        a_e3 = np.cross(a_e1, a_e2)
        a_dp = np.sum(uvw_dir*a_e3)
        d_dp = np.sum(uvw_dir*d_e3)
        dp = np.sum(d_e3 * a_e3)
        if (dp <= 0.) or (a_dp <= 0.) or (d_dp <= 0.):
            error('The detector and/or aperture plane normal vectors are pointing in the wrong direction. The NPA definition is incorrect.')
            err_arr[i] = 1

    w = (err_arr == 0)
    nw = err_arr[w].size
    ww = (err_arr != 0)
    nww = err_arr[ww].size
    print('{} out of {} channels crossed the beam grid'.format(nw, nchan))
    if nw == 0:
        error('No channels intersect the beam grid')
        err = True

    if nww > 0:
        warn('Some channels did not intersect the beam grid')
        print('Number missed: {}'.format(nww))
        print('Missed channels:')
        print('    {}'.format(npa['id'][ww]))

    if err:
        error('Invalid NPA geometry. Exiting...', halt=True)
        success('NPA geometry is valid')

def write_namelist(filename, inputs):
    #+Writes namelist file
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **filename**: Name of the namelist file
    #+     **inputs**: Input dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> write_namelist(filename, inputs)
    info("Writing namelist file...")

    fidasim_version = get_version(get_fidasim_dir())

    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        f.write("!! Created: {}\n".format(
        f.write("!! FIDASIM version: {}\n".format(fidasim_version))
        f.write("!! Comment: {}\n".format(inputs['comment']))

        f.write("!! Shot Info\n")
        f.write("shot = {:d}    !! Shot Number\n".format(inputs['shot']))
        f.write("time = {:f}    !! Time [s]\n".format(inputs['time']))
        f.write("runid = '{}'   !! runID\n".format(inputs['runid']))
        f.write("result_dir = '{}'    !! Result Directory\n\n".format(inputs['result_dir']))

        f.write("!! Input Files\n")
        f.write("tables_file = '{}'   !! Atomic Tables File\n".format(inputs['tables_file']))
        f.write("equilibrium_file = '" + inputs['equilibrium_file'] + "'    !! File containing plasma parameters and fields\n")
        f.write("geometry_file = '" + inputs['geometry_file'] + "'    !! File containing NBI and diagnostic geometry\n")
        f.write("distribution_file = '" + inputs['distribution_file'] + "'    !! File containing fast-ion distribution\n\n")

        f.write("!! Simulation Switches\n")
        f.write("calc_bes = {:d}    !! Calculate NBI Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_bes']))
        f.write("calc_dcx = {:d}    !! Calculate Direct CX Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_dcx']))
        f.write("calc_halo = {:d}    !! Calculate Halo Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_halo']))
        f.write("calc_cold = {:d}    !! Calculate Cold D-alpha Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_cold']))
        f.write("calc_brems = {:d}    !! Calculate Bremsstrahlung\n".format(inputs['calc_brems']))
        f.write("calc_fida = {:d}    !! Calculate FIDA Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_fida']))
        f.write("calc_npa = {:d}   !! Calculate NPA\n".format(inputs['calc_npa']))
        f.write("calc_pfida = {:d}    !! Calculate Passive FIDA Spectra\n".format(inputs['calc_pfida']))
        f.write("calc_pnpa = {:d}   !! Calculate Passive NPA\n".format(inputs['calc_pnpa']))
        f.write("calc_neutron = {:d}   !! Calculate B-T Neutron Rate\n".format(inputs['calc_neutron']))
        f.write("calc_birth = {:d}    !! Calculate Birth Profile\n".format(inputs['calc_birth']))
        f.write("calc_fida_wght = {:d}    !! Calculate FIDA weights\n".format(inputs['calc_fida_wght']))
        f.write("calc_npa_wght = {:d}    !! Calculate NPA weights\n".format(inputs['calc_npa_wght']))

        f.write("!! Debugging Switches\n")
        f.write("seed = {:d}    !! RNG Seed. If seed is negative a random seed is used\n".format(inputs['seed']))
        f.write("flr = {:d}    !! Turn on Finite Larmor Radius corrections\n".format(inputs['flr']))
        f.write("load_neutrals = {:d}    !! Load neutrals from neutrals file\n".format(inputs['load_neutrals']))
        f.write("neutrals_file = '" + inputs['neutrals_file'] + "'    !! File containing the neutral density\n")
        f.write("verbose = {:d}    !! Verbose\n\n".format(inputs['verbose']))

        f.write("!! Monte Carlo Settings\n")
        f.write("n_fida = {:d}    !! Number of FIDA mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_fida']))
        f.write("n_npa = {:d}    !! Number of NPA mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_npa']))
        f.write("n_pfida = {:d}    !! Number of Passive FIDA mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_pfida']))
        f.write("n_pnpa = {:d}    !! Number of Passive NPA mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_pnpa']))
        f.write("n_nbi = {:d}    !! Number of NBI mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_nbi']))
        f.write("n_halo = {:d}    !! Number of HALO mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_halo']))
        f.write("n_dcx = {:d}     !! Number of DCX mc particles\n".format(inputs['n_dcx']))
        f.write("n_birth = {:d}    !! Number of BIRTH mc particles\n\n".format(inputs['n_birth']))

        f.write("!! Neutral Beam Settings\n")
        f.write("ab = {:f}     !! Beam Species mass [amu]\n".format(inputs['ab']))
        f.write("pinj = {:f}     !! Beam Power [MW]\n".format(inputs['pinj']))
        f.write("einj = {:f}     !! Beam Energy [keV]\n".format(inputs['einj']))
        f.write("current_fractions(1) = {:f} !! Current Fractions (Full component)\n".format(inputs['current_fractions'][0]))
        f.write("current_fractions(2) = {:f} !! Current Fractions (Half component)\n".format(inputs['current_fractions'][1]))
        f.write("current_fractions(3) = {:f} !! Current Fractions (Third component)\n\n".format(inputs['current_fractions'][2]))

        f.write("!! Plasma Settings\n")
        f.write("ai = {:f}     !! Ion Species mass [amu]\n".format(inputs['ai']))
        f.write("impurity_charge = {:d}     !! Impurity Charge\n\n".format(inputs['impurity_charge']))

        f.write("!! Beam Grid Settings\n")
        f.write("nx = {:d}    !! Number of cells in X direction (Into Plasma)\n".format(inputs['nx']))
        f.write("ny = {:d}    !! Number of cells in Y direction\n".format(inputs['ny']))
        f.write("nz = {:d}    !! Number of cells in Z direction\n".format(inputs['nz']))
        f.write("xmin = {:f}     !! Minimum X value [cm]\n".format(inputs['xmin']))
        f.write("xmax = {:f}     !! Maximum X value [cm]\n".format(inputs['xmax']))
        f.write("ymin = {:f}     !! Minimum Y value [cm]\n".format(inputs['ymin']))
        f.write("ymax = {:f}     !! Maximum Y value [cm]\n".format(inputs['ymax']))
        f.write("zmin = {:f}     !! Minimum Z value [cm]\n".format(inputs['zmin']))
        f.write("zmax = {:f}     !! Maximum Z value [cm]\n\n".format(inputs['zmax']))

        f.write("!! Tait-Bryan Angles for z-y`-x`` rotation\n")
        f.write("alpha = {:f}     !! Rotation about z-axis [rad]\n".format(inputs['alpha']))
        f.write("beta  = {:f}     !! Rotation about y`-axis [rad]\n".format(inputs['beta']))
        f.write("gamma = {:f}     !! Rotation about x``-axis [rad]\n\n".format(inputs['gamma']))

        f.write("!! Beam Grid origin in machine coordinates (cartesian)\n")
        f.write("origin(1) = {:f}     !! U value [cm]\n".format(inputs['origin'][0]))
        f.write("origin(2) = {:f}     !! V value [cm]\n".format(inputs['origin'][1]))
        f.write("origin(3) = {:f}     !! W value [cm]\n\n".format(inputs['origin'][2]))

        f.write("!! Wavelength Grid Settings\n")
        f.write("nlambda = {:d}    !! Number of Wavelengths\n".format(inputs['nlambda']))
        f.write("lambdamin = {:f}    !! Minimum Wavelength [nm]\n".format(inputs['lambdamin']))
        f.write("lambdamax = {:f}    !! Maximum Wavelength [nm]\n\n".format(inputs['lambdamax']))

        f.write("!! Weight Function Settings\n")
        f.write("ne_wght = {:d}    !! Number of Energies for Weights\n".format(inputs['ne_wght']))
        f.write("np_wght = {:d}    !! Number of Pitches for Weights\n".format(inputs['np_wght']))
        f.write("nphi_wght = {:d}    !! Number of Gyro-angles for Weights\n".format(inputs['nphi_wght']))
        f.write("emax_wght = {:f}    !! Maximum Energy for Weights [keV]\n".format(inputs['emax_wght']))
        f.write("nlambda_wght = {:d}    !! Number of Wavelengths for Weights \n".format(inputs['nlambda_wght']))
        f.write("lambdamin_wght = {:f}    !! Minimum Wavelength for Weights [nm]\n".format(inputs['lambdamin_wght']))
        f.write("lambdamax_wght = {:f}    !! Maximum Wavelength for Weights [nm]\n\n".format(inputs['lambdamax_wght']))

    success("Namelist file created: {}\n".format(filename))

def write_geometry(filename, nbi, spec=None, npa=None):
    #+Write geometry values to a HDF5 file
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **filename**: Name of the geometry file
    #+     **nbi**: NBI geometry structure
    #+##Keyword Arguments
    #+     **spec**: Optional, Spectral geometry structure
    #+     **npa**: Optional, NPA geometry structure
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> write_geometry(filename, nbi, spec=spec, npa=npa)
    info('Writing geometry file...')

    # Create and open h5 file
    with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
        # File attributes
        hf.attrs['description'] = 'Geometric quantities for FIDASIM'

        # Create nbi group
        g_nbi = hf.create_group('nbi')

        # nbi att
        g_nbi.attrs['description'] = 'Neutral Beam Geometry'
        g_nbi.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Right-handed cartesian'

        nbi_description = {'data_source': 'Source of the NBI geometry',
                           'name': 'Beam name',
                           'src': 'Position of the center of the beam source grid',
                           'axis':'Axis of the beam centerline: Centerline(t) = src + axis*t ',
                           'focy': 'Horizonal focal length of the beam',
                           'focz': 'Vertical focal length of the beam',
                           'divy': 'Horizonal divergences of the beam. One for each energy component',
                           'divz': 'Vertical divergences of the beam. One for each energy component',
                           'widy': 'Half width of the beam source grid',
                           'widz': 'Half height of the beam source grid',
                           'shape':'Shape of the beam source grid: 1="rectangular", 2="circular"',
                           'naperture': 'Number of apertures',
                           'ashape': 'Shape of the aperture(s): 1="rectangular", 2="circular"',
                           'awidy': 'Half width of the aperture(s)',
                           'awidz': 'Half height of the aperture(s)',
                           'aoffy': 'Horizontal (y) offset of the aperture(s) relative to the +x aligned beam centerline',
                           'aoffz': 'Vertical (z) offset of the aperture(s) relative to the +x aligned beam centerline',
                           'adist': 'Distance from the center of the beam source grid to the aperture(s) plane'}

        nbi_units = {'src': 'cm',
                     'axis': 'cm',
                     'focy': 'cm',
                     'focz': 'cm',
                     'divy': 'radians',
                     'divz': 'radians',
                     'widy': 'cm',
                     'widz': 'cm',
                     'awidy': 'cm',
                     'awidz': 'cm',
                     'aoffy': 'cm',
                     'aoffz': 'cm',
                     'adist': 'cm'}

        write_data(g_nbi, nbi, desc = nbi_description, units=nbi_units, name='nbi')

        if spec is not None:
            # Create spec group
            g_spec = hf.create_group('spec')

            # Spectroscopic attributes
            g_spec.attrs['description'] = 'FIDA/BES Chord Geometry'
            g_spec.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Right-handed cartesian'

            # Define description attributes
            spec_description = {'data_source': 'Source of the chord geometry',
                                'nchan': 'Number of channels',
                                'system': 'Names of the different spectrocopic systems',
                                'id': 'Line of sight ID',
                                'lens': 'Positions of the lenses',
                                'axis': 'Optical axis of the lines of sight: LOS(t) = lens + axis*t ',
                                'radius': 'Line of sight radius at midplane or tangency point',
                                'sigma_pi': 'Ratio of the intensities of the sigma and pi stark lines. Measured quantity',
                                'spot_size': 'Radius of spot size'}

            spec_units = {'lens': 'cm',
                          'axis': 'cm',
                          'radius': 'cm',
                          'spot_size': 'cm'}

            write_data(g_spec, spec, desc=spec_description, units=spec_units, name='spec')

        if npa is not None:
            # Create npa group
            g_npa = hf.create_group('npa')

            # Group attributes
            g_npa.attrs['description'] = 'NPA Geometry'
            g_npa.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Right-handed cartesian'

            # Dataset attributes
            npa_description = {'data_source': 'Source of the NPA geometry',
                               'nchan': 'Number of channels',
                               'system': 'Names of the different NPA systems',
                               'id': 'Line of sight ID',
                               'd_shape': 'Shape of the detector: 1="rectangular", 2="circular"',
                               'd_cent': 'Center of the detector',
                               'd_tedge': 'Center of the detectors top edge',
                               'd_redge': 'Center of the detectors right edge',
                               'a_shape': 'Shape of the aperture: 1="rectangular", 2="circular"',
                               'a_cent': 'Center of the aperture',
                               'a_tedge': 'Center of the apertures top edge',
                               'a_redge': 'Center of the apertures right edge',
                               'radius': 'Line of sight radius at midplane or tangency point'}

            npa_units = {'d_cent': 'cm',
                         'd_tedge': 'cm',
                         'd_redge': 'cm',
                         'a_cent': 'cm',
                         'a_tedge': 'cm',
                         'radius': 'cm',
                         'a_redge': 'cm'}

            write_data(g_npa, npa, desc = npa_description, units = npa_units, name='npa')

    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        success('Geometry file created: ' + filename)
        error('Geometry file creation failed.')

def write_equilibrium(filename, plasma, fields):
    #+Write MHD equilibrium values to a HDF5 file
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **filename**: Name of the equilibrium file
    #+     **plasma**: Plasma dictionary
    #+     **fields**: Electromagnetic fields dictionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> write_equilibrium(filename, plasma, fields)
    info('Writing equilibrium file...')

    with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
        # File attribute
        hf.attrs['description'] = 'Plasma Parameters and Electromagnetic Fields for FIDASIM'

        # Create plasma group
        g_plasma = hf.create_group('plasma')

        # Plasma Attributes
        g_plasma.attrs['description'] = 'Plasma Parameters'
        g_plasma.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Cylindrical'

        # Dataset attributes
        plasma_description = {'data_source': 'Source of the plasma parameters',
                              'time': 'Time',
                              'dene': 'Electron Number Density: Dene(r,z)',
                              'te': 'Electron Temperature: Te(r,z)',
                              'ti': 'Ion Temperature: Ti(r,z)',
                              'zeff': 'Effective Nuclear Charge: Zeff(r,z)',
                              'denn': 'Cold/Edge neutral density: Denn(r,z)',
                              'vr': 'Bulk plasma flow in the r-direction: Vr(r,z)',
                              'vt': 'Bulk plasma flow in the theta/torodial-direction: Vt(r,z)',
                              'vz': 'Bulk plasma flow in the z-direction: Vz(r,z)',
                              'nr': 'Number of R values',
                              'nz': 'Number of Z values',
                              'r': 'Radius',
                              'z': 'Z',
                              'r2d': 'Radius grid: R(r,z)',
                              'z2d': 'Z grid: Z(r,z)',
                              'mask': 'Boolean mask that indicates where the plasma parameters are well defined'}

        plasma_units = {'time': 's',
                        'dene': 'cm^-3',
                        'denn': 'cm^-3',
                        'te': 'keV',
                        'ti': 'keV',
                        'vr': 'cm/s',
                        'vt': 'cm/s',
                        'vz': 'cm/s',
                        'r': 'cm',
                        'z': 'cm',
                        'r2d': 'cm',
                        'z2d': 'cm'}

        write_data(g_plasma, plasma, desc = plasma_description, units = plasma_units, name='plasma')

        # Create fields group
        g_fields = hf.create_group('fields')

        # Electromagnetic fields attributes
        g_fields.attrs['description'] = 'Electromagnetic Fields'
        g_fields.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Cylindrical'

        fields_description = {'data_source': 'Source of the EM equilibrium',
                              'mask': 'Boolean mask that indicates where the fields are well defined',
                              'time': 'Time',
                              'br': 'Magnetic field in the r-direction: Br(r,z)',
                              'bt': 'Magnetic field in the theta/torodial-direction: Bt(r,z)',
                              'bz': 'Magnetic field in the z-direction: Bz(r,z)',
                              'er': 'Electric field in the r-direction: Er(r,z)',
                              'et': 'Electric field in the theta/torodial-direction: Et(r,z)',
                              'ez': 'Electric field in the z-direction: Ez(r,z)',
                              'nr': 'Number of R values',
                              'nz': 'Number of Z values',
                              'r': 'Radius',
                              'z': 'Z',
                              'r2d': 'Radius grid: R(r,z)',
                              'z2d': 'Z grid: Z(r,z)'}

        fields_units = {'time': 's',
                        'br': 'T',
                        'bt': 'T',
                        'bz': 'T',
                        'er': 'V/m',
                        'et': 'V/m',
                        'ez': 'V/m',
                        'nr': 'V/m',
                        'nz': 'V/m',
                        'r': 'cm',
                        'z': 'cm',
                        'r2d': 'cm',
                        'z2d': 'cm'}

        write_data(g_fields, fields, desc = fields_description, units = fields_units, name='fields')

    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        success('Equilibrium file created: '+filename)
        error('Equilibrium file creation failed.')

def write_distribution(filename, distri):
    #+Write fast-ion distribution to a HDF5 file
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **filename**: Name of the distribution file
    #+     **dist**: Fast-ion distribution distionary
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> write_distribution(filename, distri)
    info('Writing fast-ion distribution file...')

    description = {'data_source': 'Source of the fast-ion distribution',
                   'type': 'Distribution type: 1="Guiding Center Density Function", 2="Guiding Center ' \
                           'Monte Carlo", 3="Full Orbit Monte Carlo"',
                   'time': 'Distribution time'}

    units = {'time': 's'}

    if distri['type'] == 1:
        description['nenergy'] = 'Number of energy values'
        description['npitch'] = 'Number of pitch values'
        description['energy'] = 'Energy'
        description['pitch'] = 'Pitch: p = v_parallel/v  w.r.t. the magnetic field'
        description['f'] = 'Fast-ion density function: F(E,p,R,Z)'
        description['denf'] = 'Fast-ion density: Denf(r,z)'
        description['nr'] = 'Number of R values'
        description['nz'] = 'Number of Z values'
        description['r'] = 'Radius'
        description['z'] = 'Z'
        description['r2d'] = 'Radius grid: R(r,z)'
        description['z2d'] = 'Z grid: Z(r,z)'

        units['energy'] = 'keV'
        units['f'] = 'fast-ions/(dE*dP*cm^3)'
        units['denf'] = 'cm^-3'
        units['r'] = 'cm'
        units['z'] = 'cm'
        units['r2d'] = 'cm'
        units['z2d'] = 'cm'
        description['nparticle'] = 'Number of MC particles'
        description['nclass'] = 'Number of orbit classes'
        description['r'] = 'R position of a MC particle'
        description['z'] = 'Z position of a MC particle'
        description['weight'] = 'Weight of a MC particle: sum(weight) = # of fast-ions '
        description['class'] = 'Orbit class of a MC particle: class in Set(1:nclass)'

        units['r'] = 'cm'
        units['z'] = 'cm'
        units['weight'] = 'fast-ions/particle'

        if distri['type'] == 2:
            description['energy'] = 'Energy of a MC particle'
            description['pitch'] = 'Pitch of a MC particle: p = v_parallel/v  w.r.t. the magnetic field'
            description['vr'] ='Radial velocity of a MC particle'
            description['vt'] = 'Torodial velocity of a MC particle'
            description['vz'] = 'Z velocity of a MC particle'

            units['vr'] = 'cm/s'
            units['vt'] = 'cm/s'
            units['vz'] = 'cm/s'

    with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
        # File attr
        hf.attrs['description'] = 'Fast-ion distribution for FIDASIM'
        hf.attrs['coordinate_system'] = 'Cylindrical'

        write_data(hf, distri, desc = description, units=units, name='distribution')

    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        success('Distribution file created: ' + filename)
        error('Distribution file creation failed.')

def prefida(inputs, grid, nbi, plasma, fields, fbm, spec=None, npa=None):
    #+Checks FIDASIM inputs and writes FIDASIM input files
    #+##Input Arguments
    #+     **inputs**: Inputs structure
    #+     **grid**: Interpolation grid structure
    #+     **nbi**: Neutral beam geometry structure
    #+     **plasma**: Plasma parameters structure
    #+     **fields**: Electromagnetic fields structure
    #+     **fbm**: Fast-ion distribution structure
    #+##Keyword Arguments
    #+     **spec**: Optional, Spectral geometry structure
    #+     **npa**: Optional, NPA geometry structure
    #+##Example Usage
    #+>>> prefida(inputs, grid, nbi, plasma, fields, fbm, spec=spec, npa=npa)
    inputs = check_inputs(inputs)

    if not os.path.isdir(inputs['result_dir']):


    nbi = check_beam(inputs, nbi)

    plasma = check_plasma(inputs, grid, plasma)

    fields = check_fields(inputs, grid, fields)

    fbm = check_distribution(inputs, grid, fbm)

    if spec is not None:
        check_spec(inputs, spec)

    if npa is not None:
        check_npa(inputs, npa)

    write_namelist(inputs['input_file'], inputs)

    write_geometry(inputs['geometry_file'], nbi, spec=spec, npa=npa)

    write_equilibrium(inputs['equilibrium_file'], plasma, fields)

    write_distribution(inputs['distribution_file'], fbm)

    success('FIDASIM pre-processing completed')
    print('To run FIDASIM use the following command')
    print(get_fidasim_dir() + os.sep + 'fidasim ' + inputs['result_dir'] + os.sep + inputs['runid'] + '_inputs.dat')