Reads the spectral geometry and stores the quantities in spec_chords
subroutine read_chords
!+ Reads the spectral geometry and stores the quantities in [[libfida:spec_chords]]
integer(HID_T) :: fid, gid
integer(HSIZE_T), dimension(2) :: dims
logical :: path_valid
real(Float64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: lenses
real(Float64), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: axes
real(Float64) :: xyz_lens(3), xyz_axis(3)
character(len=20) :: system = ''
integer :: i
integer :: error
if( then
write(*,'(a)') '---- FIDA/BES settings ----'
!!Initialize HDF5 interface
call h5open_f(error)
!!Open HDF5 file
call h5fopen_f(inputs%geometry_file, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, fid, error)
!!Check if SPEC group exists
call h5ltpath_valid_f(fid, "/spec", .True., path_valid, error)
if(.not.path_valid) then
if( then
write(*,'(a)') 'FIDA/BES geometry is not in the geometry file'
write(*,'(a)') 'Continuing without spectral diagnostics'
inputs%calc_spec = 0
inputs%calc_fida = 0
inputs%calc_pfida = 0
inputs%calc_bes = 0
inputs%calc_dcx = 0
inputs%calc_halo = 0
inputs%calc_cold = 0
inputs%calc_brems = 0
inputs%calc_fida_wght = 0
call h5fclose_f(fid, error)
call h5close_f(error)
!!Open SPEC group
call h5gopen_f(fid, "/spec", gid, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_string_f(gid, "/spec/system", system, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_int_scalar_f(gid, "/spec/nchan", spec_chords%nchan, error)
allocate(lenses(3, spec_chords%nchan))
allocate(axes(3, spec_chords%nchan))
dims = [3,spec_chords%nchan]
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(gid, "/spec/lens", lenses, dims, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(gid, "/spec/axis", axes, dims, error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(gid, "/spec/spot_size", spec_chords%los%spot_size, dims(2:2), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(gid, "/spec/sigma_pi", spec_chords%los%sigma_pi, dims(2:2), error)
call h5ltread_dataset_double_f(gid, "/spec/radius", spec_chords%radius, dims(2:2), error)
!!Close SPEC group
call h5gclose_f(gid, error)
!!Close file id
call h5fclose_f(fid, error)
!!Close HDF5 interface
call h5close_f(error)
chan_loop: do i=1,spec_chords%nchan
call uvw_to_xyz(lenses(:,i), xyz_lens)
xyz_axis = matmul(beam_grid%inv_basis, axes(:,i))
spec_chords%los(i)%lens = xyz_lens
spec_chords%los(i)%axis = xyz_axis
spec_chords%los(i)%lens_uvw = lenses(:,i)
spec_chords%los(i)%axis_uvw = axes(:,i)
enddo chan_loop
if( then
write(*,'(T2,"FIDA/BES System: ",a)') trim(adjustl(system))
write(*,'(T2,"Number of channels: ",i5)') spec_chords%nchan
write(*,*) ''
end subroutine read_chords