C6_cx_3_adas Function

public function C6_cx_3_adas(eb) result(sigma)

Calculates the total charge exchange cross section for a Neutral Hydrogen atom in the state colliding with a fully stripped Carbon ion at energy eb




Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=Float64), intent(in) :: eb

Relative collision energy [keV/amu]

Return Value real(kind=Float64)

Cross Section []

Called by

proc~~c6_cx_3_adas~~CalledByGraph proc~c6_cx_3_adas C6_cx_3_adas proc~aq_cx_n_adas Aq_cx_n_adas proc~aq_cx_n_adas->proc~c6_cx_3_adas proc~aq_cx_n Aq_cx_n proc~aq_cx_n->proc~aq_cx_n_adas proc~aq_cx Aq_cx proc~aq_cx->proc~aq_cx_n proc~write_bb_h_aq write_bb_H_Aq proc~write_bb_h_aq->proc~aq_cx program~generate_tables generate_tables program~generate_tables->proc~write_bb_h_aq


Source Code

Source Code

function C6_cx_3_adas(eb) result(sigma)
    !+ Calculates the total charge exchange cross section for a Neutral Hydrogen atom
    !+in the \(n=3\) state colliding with a fully stripped Carbon ion at energy `eb`
    !+$$ C^{6+} + H(3) \rightarrow C^{5+} + H^+ $$
    !+* Ref. 4 [[atomic_tables(module)]]
    real(Float64), intent(in) :: eb
        !+ Relative collision energy [keV/amu]
    real(Float64)             :: sigma
        !+ Cross Section [\(cm^2\)]

    real(Float64), dimension(11), parameter :: A = [9.208877916d5, -2.147294379d6, &
                                                    2.236451628d6, -1.370042347d6, &
                                                    5.466461899d5, -1.484338816d5, &
                                                    2.777765778d4, -3.537459450d3, &
                                                    2.933884362d2, -1.430994136d1, &
                                                    3.117002878d-1 ]
    real(Float64) :: e, l, p, m

    e = max(eb*1.d3,1.5d3)*3.0**2
    if(eb.le.300) then
        l = log10(e)

        p = A(1) + A(2)*l + A(3)*l**2 + A(4)*l**3 + &
            A(5)*l**4 + A(6)*l**5 + A(7)*l**6 +     &
            A(8)*l**7 + A(9)*l**8 + A(10)*l**9 + A(11)*l**10
        l = log10(300*1.d3*3.0**2)
        p = A(1) + A(2)*l + A(3)*l**2 + A(4)*l**3 + &
            A(5)*l**4 + A(6)*l**5 + A(7)*l**6 +     &
            A(8)*l**7 + A(9)*l**8 + A(10)*l**9 + A(11)*l**10
        m = A(2) + 2*A(3)*l + 3*A(4)*l**2 + &
            4*A(5)*l**3 + 5*A(6)*l**4 + 6*A(7)*l**5 +     &
            7*A(8)*l**6 + 8*A(9)*l**7 + 9*A(10)*l**8 + 10*A(11)*l**9
        p = p + m*(log10(e) - l)
    sigma = 10.d0**p

end function C6_cx_3_adas