
Installing FIDASIM

So you have decided to install FIDASIM. Don't worry this should be relatively painless.

The following code snippets assumes you are using a BASH shell. To figure out what shell you currently have run echo $SHELL to find out.


FIDASIM has the following dependencies:

  • Linux because all other operating systems are inferior
  • Make for building FIDASIM. (Required)
  • Fortran, C, and C++ compilers. (Required) GNU(v5-v8) and Intel(>13) compilers are supported. Note you cannot mix and match different compilers.
  • zlib for file compression. (Required)
  • Anaconda Python for python scripts and pre-processing. (Optional)
  • IDL for pre-processing (Optional)
  • HDF5 1.8.16 for reading and writing data files (Included)
  • EFIT for electro-magnetic fields (Partially Included)
  • git for version control (Optional)
  • Ford for creating HTML documentation (Optional)
  • LinkChecker for validating HTML documentation (Optional)

The following commands will install the required dependencies (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Getting FIDASIM source

It's rather difficult to run software you haven't downloaded. There are two ways of getting the source code.

Downloading source directly

The most recent version of FIDASIM (2.0.0) can be downloaded from here Once you have downloaded the .tar.gz or .zip file unpack it using the following commands.

tar -zxf FIDASIM-2.0.0.tar.gz

or if you downloaded the .zip file


There should now be a directory named FIDASIM-2.0.0 in your current directory. Enter the directory using

cd FIDASIM-2.0.0

Cloning the git repository

If you are planning to develop FIDASIM it is best to use git.

git clone FIDASIM

By default you will be on the master branch which may or may not be in a usable state. To use the release version run the command

git checkout v2.0.0

Setting up environmental variables

FIDASIM needs to know where some things are so you have to set the following environmental variables in your .bashrc file located in your home directory.

export FIDASIM_DIR=/path/to/fidasim/install/directory
export FC=gfortran #use 'ifort' for Intel Fortran compiler
export CC=gcc      #use 'icc' for Intel C compiler
export CXX=g++     #use 'icpc' for Intel C++ compiler

#For using helper routines
export PATH=$FIDASIM_DIR/deps/hdf5/bin:$FIDASIM_DIR/lib/scripts:$PATH
export PATH=$FIDASIM_DIR/deps/efit:$FIDASIM_DIR/test:$PATH

ulimit -s unlimited #Omit this if you like segfaults

replacing /path/to/fidasim/install/directory with the real directory. To set the environmental variables in the current shell run

source ~/.bashrc

Building FIDASIM

Once you are in the source directory (and have all the dependencies installed) run the following


This will build the fidasim executable using the default compiler options. Run make help to view all the available options. Once running, go get a coffee since it will take a while because HDF5 is being built as well.

Once make has completed check if FIDASIM compiled correctly.

user@computer:~/FIDASIM-2.0.0$ ./fidasim
   ____ ____ ___   ___    ____ ____ __  ___
  / __//  _// _ \ / _ |  / __//  _//  |/  /
 / _/ _/ / / // // __ | _\ \ _/ / / /|_/ /
/_/  /___//____//_/ |_|/___//___//_/  /_/

Version: 2.0.0

FIDASIM is released as open source code under the MIT Licence.
For more information visit

Good job! You installed FIDASIM! But wait theres more.

Generating Atomic Tables

Calculating reaction rates on the fly is time consuming so we need to pre-compute them to save time. The following code snippit will generate the atomic tables using the default settings. The default settings should be appropriate for most use cases, however, it may be necessary to generate custom atomic tables. In that case edit the file tables/table_settings.dat before running the following command if FIDASIM was compiled with OpenMP (the default build)

./tables/generate_tables ./tables/default_settings.dat [num_threads]

or if FIDASIM was built with MPI

mpirun -np num_processes ./tables/generate_tables ./tables/default_settings.dat

Now would be a good time to get more coffee... or maybe a nap.

Run a test case

From the command line, "/place/where/you/want/the/output"

Note: This requires python

Or from within IDL

IDL> run_tests, "/place/where/you/want/the/output"

Some stuff that will make sense later will flash by and when its done you should see something like

SUCCESS: FIDASIM pre-processing completed
To run FIDASIM use the following command
/u/lstagner/FIDASIM/fidasim /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_inputs.dat

Now do what the computer says. Think of as good practice for when the robots take over.

It should print out the following.

[lstagner@dawson061]% /u/lstagner/FIDASIM/fidasim /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_1a_inputs.dat
   ____ ____ ___   ___    ____ ____ __  ___
  / __//  _// _ \ / _ |  / __//  _//  |/  /
 / _/ _/ / / // // __ | _\ \ _/ / / /|_/ /
/_/  /___//____//_/ |_|/___//___//_/  /_/

Version: 2.0.0

FIDASIM is released as open source code under the MIT Licence.
For more information visit

---- Shot settings ----
 Shot:        1
 Time: 1000 [ms]
 Runid: test

---- Input files ----
 Tables file: /p/fida/FIDASIM/tables/atomic_tables.h5
 Geometry file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_geometry.h5
 Equilibrium file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_equilibrium.h5
 Distribution file: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_distribution.h5

---- OpenMP settings ----
 Number of threads: 16

---- Atomic tables settings ----
 Maximum n/m:  6
 Beam/Fast-ion mass:  2.014 [amu]
 Thermal/Bulk-ion mass:  2.014 [amu]
 Impurity mass: 12.011 [amu]

---- Interpolation grid settings ----
 Nr:  70
 Nz: 100
 Nphi:   1
 dA:  4.00 [cm^2]

---- Beam grid settings ----
 Nx:  50
 Ny:  60
 Nz:  70
 dV:  8.00 [cm^3]
 alpha:  0.00 [rad]
 beta:   0.00 [rad]
 gamma:  0.00 [rad]
 origin: [   0.00,   0.00,   0.00] [cm]
 Number of cells in plasma:   184494

---- Neutral beam settings ----
 Beam: test_beam
 Power:    1.70 [MW]
 Voltage:  72.50 [keV]

---- Passive grid settings ----
 Nr:  70
 Nz: 100
 Nphi:  10
 R  range = [100.00,238.00]
 Z  range = [-100.00, 98.00]
 Phi  range = [ 4.25, 5.15]
 dA:  4.00 [cm^3]

---- Fast-ion distribution settings ----
 Distribution type: Fast-ion Density Function F(energy,pitch,R,Z,Phi)
 Nenergy =  75
 Npitch  =  50
 Nr  =  70
 Nz  = 100
 Nphi  =   1
 Energy range = [ 0.81,120.87]
 Pitch  range = [-0.98, 0.98]
 R  range = [100.00,238.00]
 Z  range = [-100.00, 98.00]
 Phi  range = [ 0.00, 0.00]
 Ntotal =  1.214E+19

---- FIDA/BES settings ----
 Number of channels:     3

---- NPA settings ----
 NPA System: NPA
 Number of channels:   3

 nbi:     19:06:28 --- elapsed: 0:00:23
     # of markers:     50000
   birth profile written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_birth.h5

 dcx:     19:06:42 --- elapsed: 0:00:37
     # of markers:    500000

 halo:    19:07:13 --- elapsed: 0:01:08
     # of markers:    527175 --- Seed/DCX: 1.000
     # of markers:    672040 --- Seed/DCX: 0.600
     # of markers:    792640 --- Seed/DCX: 0.366
     # of markers:    873160 --- Seed/DCX: 0.225
     # of markers:    900615 --- Seed/DCX: 0.139
     # of markers:    913130 --- Seed/DCX: 0.086
     # of markers:    919085 --- Seed/DCX: 0.053
     # of markers:    921060 --- Seed/DCX: 0.033
     # of markers:    921935 --- Seed/DCX: 0.020
     # of markers:    922180 --- Seed/DCX: 0.013

 write neutrals:    19:14:31 --- elapsed: 0:08:26
   neutral density written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_neutrals.h5

 cold:    19:14:35 --- elapsed: 0:08:30

 bremsstrahlung:    19:14:36 --- elapsed: 0:08:31

 fida:    19:14:36 --- elapsed: 0:08:31
     # of markers:   5000000

 pfida:   19:15:19 --- elapsed: 0:09:14
     # of markers:  50000000

 write spectra:    19:20:47 --- elapsed: 0:14:42
   Spectra written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_spectra.h5

 npa:     19:20:47 --- elapsed: 0:14:42
     # of markers:      5000000
   Number of Active NPA particles that hit a detector:    40733

 pnpa:     19:21:21 --- elapsed: 0:15:16
     # of markers:     50000000
   Number of Passive NPA particles that hit a detector:   116510

 write npa:    19:26:47 --- elapsed: 0:20:42
   NPA data written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_npa.h5

 neutron rate:    19:26:47 --- elapsed: 0:20:42
   Rate:      5.97592E+14 [neutrons/s]

 write neutrons:    19:28:16 --- elapsed: 0:22:11
   Neutrons written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_neutrons.h5

 fida weight function:    19:28:25 --- elapsed: 0:22:20
  Number of Channels:     3
  Nlambda: 1000
  Nenergy:  50
  Npitch:  50
  Ngyro: 100
  Maximum Energy:  100.00
  LOS averaged: True

   Channel:     1
   Radius:  200.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    5.00757E+11

   Channel:     2
   Radius:  170.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    5.00757E+11

   Channel:     3
   Radius:  140.00
   Mean Fast-ion Density:    5.00757E+11

 write fida weights:    19:28:41 --- elapsed: 0:22:36
   FIDA weights written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_fida_weights.h5

 npa weight function:    19:28:48 --- elapsed: 0:22:43
  Number of Channels:   3
  Nenergy:  50
  Npitch:  50
  Maximum energy:  100.00

   Channel:   1
   Radius:    200.000
   Flux:      0.00000E+00
   Weight:    3.48351E+03

   Channel:   2
   Radius:    170.000
   Flux:      0.00000E+00
   Weight:    1.41572E+03

   Channel:   3
   Radius:    140.000
   Flux:      0.00000E+00
   Weight:    8.38209E+02

 write npa weights:    19:33:50 --- elapsed: 0:27:45
   NPA weights written to: /p/fida/lstagner/TEST/test_npa_weights.h5

 END: hour:minute:second 19:33:50 --- elapsed: 0:27:45

Congratulations! You followed the instructions.

Now what

Most likely you wont be satisfied by just running a test case. Click here to learn how to make the input files used by FIDASIM.